Do any other birds lay eggs w/o being fertilized first?

I used to raise a lot of reptiles-most will lay eggs also regardless of fertilization. In the wild, chances are nearly 100% that each egg will be fertilized. Most things have a specific trigger, or set of triggers, that initiate egg laying. Sometimes the presence of a male may factor in that, but not very often in my experience.
the weird thing is that there will be cases in where No Males will be found and they still have to lays as a reproductive means, but how? Parthenogenesis, it worked on Comodo dragos, they will lay unfertelized eggs and the egg will start to devide from a Haploid, the resulting hatch will be all males, makes sence now uh? this is found on some lines of turky and a reported tom was hatch that way, in chickens the percentage is about 4% if any will ever hatch it will be a boy, so from a reproductive stand point, laying eggs without a male around is still a sound idea by mother nature

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