Do broody ducks actually build nests?

It depends for chickens. This last hatch I had an Orpington decide to make a nest out of rocks. Yes rocks. Never mind the shavings, the leftover horse hay that was piled on the ground or the nice comfy nesting boxes. A feather rock nest she built! So we had to make a compromise. I filled a small plastic wash tub I had with some bedding then removed her feathers from her rock nest, topped the new nest, added the eggs she was setting and then set the wash tub directly on top of her rock nest. She agreed to stay there🤣
Wow! Our chickens are too unbelievably lazy to go broody, and they only care about free-ranging, pooping, and sleeping. Heaven forbid they try to raise the next generation and sit on a clutch of eggs! Luckily, we do have a Buff Orpington pullet, and we're working on getting more Heritage breeds that aren't quite as lazy and actually have some sense to harness their natural instincts and nuture and protect a clutch of eggs.
I'm always amazed at the amount of feathers my Muscovy hens yank out of themselves. They sneak off and hide in a corner of the barn with bare ground and no straw and pull out enough fluff to build another duck!
I wish my chickens' brooding instincts were that strong! That seems like it would be so fascinating to watch her raise the eggs! I hope to get some Muscovies someday! definitely seem to be less messy than Pekins, lol! Although I do love my three adorable Pekin ducks, they do make a mess!
Mine sometimes will play at it, but most just seem to go to a flat, dark corner
Don't you have nest boxes for them in the hen house or coop? With a nice little bed of straw or shavings in the bottom for them to fluff up just the way they want it? And a golf ball or fake egg to convince them that HERE is where good chickens lay their eggs? That's what we do. And just about the time the new pullets are starting to think about laying eggs, we stop free ranging, so they are more likely to use the nests and not get the bad habit of popping eggs out just anywhere all over the countryside. It's a bit like potty-training.
Don't you have nest boxes for them in the hen house or coop? With a nice little bed of straw or shavings in the bottom for them to fluff up just the way they want it? And a golf ball or fake egg to convince them that HERE is where good chickens lay their eggs? That's what we do. And just about the time the new pullets are starting to think about laying eggs, we stop free ranging, so they are more likely to use the nests and not get the bad habit of popping eggs out just anywhere all over the countryside. It's a bit like potty-training.
No, most of mine don't use nest boxes. They'll find a corner of the barn or a bucket or a strawbale

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