We live in FL - not by any water - and I saw a Pygmy Rattler (highly poisonous) last night at our back door on the porch!!! If it weren't for our Great Pyrenees alerting me to the fact something was there in the dark, I - or he - would have been bitten. He hightailed it away as fast as he could. We haven't seen snakes here in over ten years. No one is laying yet so it's not an egg thing. Due to the extremely hot muggy nights, we have to leave the Omlet Cube door open since they suck at ventilation in the design. Fans are running in the run for air flow. While the coop and run are predator proof and include a 6" skirt all around, a small snake like that could easily slither through and get through the open door and window vent. We had some garden cloth around so I augmented the entire 9x12 run with it and tarps cover the top and south side for shade. I don't know what else to do about this situation. I called the extension service and they said to use the glue mouse traps. Well, that's not an option with dogs. I don't know what suddenly attracted this snake to the yard and don't know if chickens attract them...? We have a tiny yard with neighbors breathing down our neck on all sides, so it's not like we live in the woods. Any suggestions? Should I be worried? Thanks for any insight.