Do chickens need a roosting bar in their coop?

Where do they sleep at night?
How old are your flock members?
If your run is predator proof from ground and areal attacks, letting them sleep on the roosts outside is okay. You may want to look into a hot wire fence to help deter some predators: bear, cougars, bobcats, Fox, etc depending on where you live.
To be bluntly honest, if your coop is too small to put a roost into it then your coop is too small to keep chickens in.

Unfortunately, manufacturers of these "dollhouse" coops take advantage of new chicken owners by misrepresenting their coops -- claiming that they'll hold two or three times the number of chickens that they actually hold and selling designs that aren't actually suited to use for chickens at all. ☹

If you show us pictures of your coop and run we can help you improve them so that your chickens will be healthier and happier. :)
Where do they sleep at night?
How old are your flock members?
If your run is predator proof from ground and areal attacks, letting them sleep on the roosts outside is okay. You may want to look into a hot wire fence to help deter some predators: bear, cougars, bobcats, Fox, etc depending on where you live.
But it’s winter won’t it be cold?
To be bluntly honest, if your coop is too small to put a roost into it then your coop is too small to keep chickens in.

Unfortunately, manufacturers of these "dollhouse" coops take advantage of new chicken owners by misrepresenting their coops -- claiming that they'll hold two or three times the number of chickens that they actually hold and selling designs that aren't actually suited to use for chickens at all. ☹

If you show us pictures of your coop and run we can help you improve them so that your chickens will be healthier and happier. :)
Okay thanks I will

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