Do chickens need a roosting bar in their coop?

But it’s winter won’t it be cold?

Chickens have warm down coats. If they're dry and out of the wind they tolerate cold much better than they tolerate heat.

This is the definitive BYC article on chickens in cold weather:

What if I can’t add a roost since it’s too low?

As I said, that means that the coop is not big enough to keep chickens in.

Can you even put a board up on two bricks -- so that they don't have to lay there in their poop?
I use portable roosts only 5 or 6 inches off the ground so I can reconfigure coops, breeding pens, isolation cages as needed. Just a 3' section of slab or lumber that is heavy, 3 or 4"wide bits of scrap screwed to the ends for uprights, and a bit of something with bark or a natural texture across the top. Nothing fancy, and ease to replace when a new group of birds come in or when I sanitize everything. They are out of the poop, but have enough head room in the smaller cages

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