Do Ducks Eat Skunk Cabbage?

Lysichiton americanus is in the northwest and Symplocarpus foetidus is in the mid-west to NE part of the US. From what I've reasearched, only wild turkey and bears emerging from hibernation have been known to eat skunk cabbage. Those reports were from the NE.

So I'm going to say that most likely your ducks won't even try it.
Mine do. It has come up in my wild duck pen and they keep it pretty well trimmed. Then two years ago I had a few pekins free ranging that I was going to butcher, but I did not because they ate an inordinate amount of skunk cabbage and consequently the meat of the one that I did butcher had an off smell.
That's interesting, tonini3059. I could not find anything in the science data bases that I searched. Just the anecdotal report from a botonist in NY.

I'm a docent at Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor and I like to pluck a leaf and let the kids smell it when I do a tour. It's fun to watch their reactions!
I really do not know, but they seem to like it. The ducks in the pen eat that and leave the grass alone, which is nice. And as I said the pekins loved it and ate alot of it. I do agree that the smell is less than pleasant and yet they still seem to eat it. Maybe someone else has had the same experience.
My ducks love it as well. We have a low, wet area that grows a few enormous plants every year. I used to just let them go, the stink so badly. This year, the ducks have kept it trimmed down, it's their favorite place to hang out in our yard, because of the water access.
The plants down at the spring are well established, so I checked the marshy area, and you can see any plants that are coming up are well nibbled on. The Pekins are always up there with their heads in the water.


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