Do ducks like night privacy?


Jul 8, 2019
I have a drake and hen Pekin and a drake runner. They are out all day on about 1/3 acre full of South Florida insect, worm, amphibian, and reptile treats. They sleep in a very secure 1/2" square welded wire cage with a heavy frame since I have had so much unfortunate experience with raccoons. Their floor is straw covered and about 20" off the ground. One side is against the house, 3 sides are open, and the welded wire extends from top to bottom for a complete open view.

Would they like one or two courses of 1x6 boards screwed to the bottom, so they can be hidden while laying down, but still be able to raise their head or stand to look out for predators as a natural instinct? I checked online and this site but couldn't find a similar topic. I briefly attached cloth but I think movement in the wind spooked them. The hen is laying, and she does like to check out hidden, sheltered places in the day time, not sure if she is a little broody or just doing hen stuff.

Though the enclosure is secure, they might feel exposed. Advice?



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Unfortunately, yes. Though I tell myself I could hear frantic quacking, that might not always be the case. Lots of cats around, too. I've heard and experienced the horror stories of raccoons pulling wings and feet through the mesh, but with this 1/2" wire cloth doubled in some parts, I don't think it's possible. Yeah, I think the idea of a little privacy might help.
I believe I’d put boards up high enough so they have privacy and don’t have to be harassed by the local predators. I know mine like the security of their coop. You’ve done a great job on your coop. I’d like to use it as an example when others come on for info on having a secure pen. When you put some boards up please post pics.
Unfortunately, yes. Though I tell myself I could hear frantic quacking, that might not always be the case. Lots of cats around, too. I've heard and experienced the horror stories of raccoons pulling wings and feet through the mesh, but with this 1/2" wire cloth doubled in some parts, I don't think it's possible. Yeah, I think the idea of a little privacy might help.
I doubt they can get through either. You pen looks awesome. I think it’s the fact that a predator can get that close and scare the crap out of them. So putting the boards up like miss Lydia said is probably a good idea

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