Do eggs from various breeds taste differently ?

My Buttercup eggs are the richest eggs of the about 8 different breeds of hens that I have. It has a little to do with the breed. The breed that free ranges the most will have the best and highest flavored eggs. My duck eggs pretty much taste like the chicken eggs. All my chickens and ducks free range our back yard and get the same feed. The Buttercups eat more free range than any of my other breeds, they eat very little of the feed.

So yes, there is a difference and even in winter eggs, when they are mostly on feed and there are few bugs and grubs and plants to eat. But I up their greens with romain and other greens and toss them some cat food each week for extra cheap protein. My neighbor says she can tell 3 different seasons in the taste of my eggs.

If you want a rich brilliant orange egg yolk then get hens that are self sufficient (good free rangers) and let them free range. Call them in the evening with a bit of Corn chop and Oats maybe a bit of broken Brown Rice (I do and I add some Milo and Sunflower seeds). (I'm thinking in Thailand they would have given a bit of brown rice from time to time). The oats are for good egg production. Have some feed available for them in the evenings. I have feed out 24/7 but they only eat a bit in the evening. I go through 50# a month or so for 20 hens/1 Roo, that goes way up in the winter though.

I just today raised my price and called my 2 customers (12 dozen eggs a month). The price of feed went up $4 @ Bag. They don't care, they'll pay. They like my eggs better than the free range or the organic in the store that are more expensive and sometimes bigger.

The taste of your eggs will also depend on what grasses they have to munch on and what bugs and grubs they eat. You are not going to get the same flavor as in Thailand, this is America with different grasses, bugs, etc. Even if you got the same chickens that were in Thailand, raised here the eggs will be different. BUT, the more they free range the better tasting the egg. Variety of foods is the key, I do believe.

Good luck in your quest for the taste tantalizing eggs of your choice.
I know exactly the taste you are talking about. Sorry to say you will never get eggs tasting the way they did in Thailand. I been living in Canada since 1975. I came from India and to this day remember the awesome taste of the eggs there. I keep chickens here and got different breeds. They free range and get royal treatment. I love the eggs but that taste is still missing. I think it has to do with not only the breeds but their diet and weather as well. Even in India the best tasting eggs are of chickens kept in villages where they roam free and eat what nature intended.

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