All my chickens (all girls) with any black have a green sheen on the black part--including my BR. My 2 Speckled Sussex pullets even have a green sheen on their black speckles!
OK, Good! so I wont send the poor chicken away yet.
it has been a wishy-washy couple of months. I dont see any of the skinny pointy saddle feathers whatsoever. All the feathers are round, but the tail sticks up more than the others. At what age should a chicken get the sex feathers? The comb and wattles havent grown much in a while. theyre still what I would consider small. Ill try to get some pics tomorrow, its been rainy here in WA, so its hard to get out there to take pics.
My Silver Lace & Golden Lace Wyandotte have a green sheen when the sun hits them. My Cuckoo Marrans (barred) had a hint of green in the sun when they were mid age pullet. Once they hit the 20wk mark though their barring is more narrow & their black is more grey. I've even seen green in my EE hen's. My SLW & CM's are starting to lay so I know they are hens plus my EE's are hen colors. Here are my hens.