Do I want this rooster? Update: He killed a hen Update: Sunday

i don't know if this is a breed characteristic since i've only had one, but my little Silkie roo is the BEST roo i have. he's very alert, loves to dance for the girls, protects them even from the Big Boys (when they occasionally get rowdy), shares all his treats, and is too small to cause any trouble! he tries to mate sometimes but he just falls off the big girls backs. he is my favorite little man chicken. and he's such a snuggler! maybe something like that would be a good option for you and the girls... maybe even a nice fluffy cochin bantam.
You did what had to be done. You have the respect of me and I'm sure many others for doing what so many (including myself) would not have been able to do.

You will find a wonderful rooster someday. It won't get rid of the aggression issue, but I suggest if you ever wish to introduce a male to this flock, perhaps to stick with bantams. We have always kept bantam roosters with our standard and bantam mixed flock to insure that the girls don't get mated to death. You really wouldn't have that problem with such big girls. Although if I had this experience, I don't know if I'd really want to lay my trust in another rooster again. Nightmare!
You've handled this affair with such class - even the final chapter ended with style.

Thank you for keeping us all in the loop. Best wishes to you and your beautiful flock!
I'm sorry the roo didn't work out. You would think that as an experienced rooster, judging by his other gentleman-like behavior, he would have been more gentle during the .....
I just had 2 roos. One has one eye, and he's very sweet. The other was a bully and a rapist. He went to a new home. My one-eyed Pete is very nice to the girls, but still young. He's just starting to not eat til they're done, etc.
Sorry for the loss of your little hen.
pardon my newb-ness...

what injury would a hen sustain from a rowdy rooster in this manner? Am I understanding the incident correct; the rooster mounted the hen backwards?

I gathered the rooster is gone, did you dispatch him?
that really stinks. talk about fatal encounter i wouldnt be surprised if he was expecting it!
I just caught up with this story, I feel so badly for you and the girls. I wonder tho, if that is why he kept taking off at night. I'm guessing he had been doing this sorta thing before (showing up in someone's chicken yard) and being chased off. Maybe he even had his aggressive moments elsewhere and thats why he was the wanderer - maybe used to dodging bullets.

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