Hi all, I've raised 4 chickens before. 2 handicapped meat birds I fell in love with and 2 silkies. This is my first time raising a larger number. I thought I was getting 15 hens, but SURPISE after 16 weeks find there's definitely 1 rooster. He's a beauty but not a gentleman, if you get my drift. A friend who has chickens said that if any of my hens go broody and are never allowed to hatch eggs out, that the hen will die. Do I need to keep the rooster (Ellen now Elton) for that purpose? Would my hens still be happy if he wasn't part of the flock? I'm raising them for the eggs. 5 partridge cochins, 4 Plymouth barred rock, 5 mystery breeds I'm not positive of, and Elton. I just want them to be happy and healthy. Any help would be so very appreciated!