Do my little sisters count as pests, because I've got 2!

You could try the deep litter metod basicly when it starts to smell you put more bedding down and it wont smell every 6 months do a deep clean and repaet that cycle but I highly recomend you move them to outside they would be way happier out there but there your birds so if you have the recources you should move them outside
We don't have anywhere to put them. If we actually had grass I would put them on that, I know they would love it. I don't want to keep them outside in a bottomed cage.
Another reason I wouldn't is that my Dad had budgies when he was younger and one of his budgies got its head bitten off by a predator when it stuck it out of the cage. My birds stick their heads out of the cage often.
The birds would be happier outside, even if your sisters were little angels. Or, perhaps you could trade them for a couple of parakeets. Parakeets are easy to train to rest on a finger and are fun to watch.
Maybe when my quail eventually die, but I love my birds and wouldn't trade them for any pet.
have you ever thought about surrending your sisters to the human shelter ok now heres a real suggestion have you ever thought about keeping them outside
I have. We don't have grass and I don't like the idea of keeping them outside without grass. I wish I had an area of green grass to put them on because I know they would love that, but our grass is completely fake.
We don't have anywhere to put them. If we actually had grass I would put them on that, I know they would love it. I don't want to keep them outside in a bottomed cage.
Another reason I wouldn't is that my Dad had budgies when he was younger and one of his budgies got its head bitten off by a predator when it stuck it out of the cage. My birds stick their heads out of the cage often.
Clearly the bar spacing was way too big. Proper bar spacing and a budgie can’t stick its head out. And proper sized hardware cloth and a chicken can’t either. Build it predator proof.
Clearly the bar spacing was way too big. Proper bar spacing and a budgie can’t stick its head out. And proper sized hardware cloth and a chicken can’t either. Build it predator proof.
I didn't think of that.. if I did have a proper garden I would get them a nice big cage full of grass and plants.

If I'm still keeping quail when I move out I'll definitely get them a nice cage and make sure grass is available.
I have. We don't have grass and I don't like the idea of keeping them outside without grass. I wish I had an area of green grass to put them on because I know they would love that, but our grass is completely fake.
Even if you had real grass, it would turn to mud very fast. That doesn’t matter. You can put leaves or something in there instead.
Lots of people keep quail inside. I'm trying to make the best for them with what I have. They have a huge indoor cage with sand and grass and loads of natural hiding spots as well as artificial ones.
I have. We don't have grass and I don't like the idea of keeping them outside without grass. I wish I had an area of green grass to put them on because I know they would love that, but our grass is completely fake.
at my old house before I had some land most of the coop was dirt but we had these things called forage boxes and its basicly a wooden rectangular box with hard ware cloth on top of it when the grass in side it grows thrj the mesh they cut and eat the grass you could make a few of those if you dont know how to make a safe outdoor enclosure a little bit of resaerch and youtube will help if you still dont want to keep them outside then idk .... you might just have to give your sisters up for adoption when I was young I had the same problem as you with my chickens they were outside but my brothers still botherd them so if any of they helps try telling your sisters how it impacts it try sitting down with them and having a seriose convo not just a hey knock it off hope this helps any questions or if you need any good links qoute me and ill respond quike

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