Do we think she’s laying?


9 Years
Dec 9, 2015
This girl is 23 weeks old and a French blue copper marans. I started getting a brown speckled egg this week and I’m hoping it’s not her yet because it’s way lighter than I was hoping for! I thought marans laid later then 22/24 weeks. Does she look mature enough to lay? And if so, is there any chance it may darken? I’ve only gotten 2 so far and they both look so different from each other.
I thought marans laid later then 22/24 weeks.
There really isn’t a set rule for breeds, just averages. I have 2 Brahmas that are the exact same age from the exact same place. One started laying very early at 20 weeks and the other at 26-28 weeks. Egg laying depends more on the parents/genetics than breed as everything can vary a lot.
Does she look mature enough to lay? And if so, is there any chance it may darken?
Yes she does to me. It possibly could but it is most likely not going to change too much
Usually the first eggs of a season are the darkest and they start to fade as the season passes.

Is this bird your only Marans?
I had been reading they get lighter as the season goes on so I was super bummed. So there’s hope! But she is my only female French blue copper marans but I have a rooster too from that same breeder she came from so I’m hoping to hatch some babies from them. I have 2 cuckoo marans but they were from TSC and their eggs are nothing impressive.

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