Do you have (occasionally) chickens or other poultry in your house?

How often do you have chickens or other poultry in your house?

  • Always

  • Every day or at least 4 times a week

  • I let them in occasionally

  • Occasionally (trespassing)

  • Never

  • Only chicks in a brooder

  • Chicks yes, grown ups as voted above

  • When I have a sick chicken

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Raising chicks in the living room can cause them to just wander in at times.
View attachment 3982097
They also knocked on the back door, looking for treats.

Coming in was tolerated for a few minutes; knocking got them treats.
My Chicken Abigail was potty trained too. Wouldn't poo in my room. She would poo as soon as she went outside.
I take in my chickens if they are sick/have an injury like frostbite or any other scenario where if they go outside it could get worse. For instance, when my hen had fly strike and a prolapse at the same time, putting her back outside would attract more flies🤢🪰 Of course, I keep my baby chicks in a brooder indoors....for too long actually....When it comes to moving the fully-feathered babies outside I stall😅 I've never actually had a chicken with a sickness internally (excluding egg binding, sour crop etc.) such as marek's, salmonella, or a flu or something, but if I did it would be hard for me to decide whether to bring them in or not, especially if it puts my other pets and us at risk.

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