Do you play favorites? Admit's OK....I won't tell the others....

This is Paris^^^^^ She is a Silver Duckwing Old English Game hen and she is by far my favorite! She is so sweet and never causes fights or problems between the other hens.She respects all the chickens and people she encounters.She LOVES kids and took a particular liking to me as I was picking out chicks the year I bought her.
She was the runt and was very weak. I thought she might die so I wanted to give her a good life even if she did, and I hoped and prayed that she would survive
. She's alive and well she LOVES mealworms and follows me everywhere. I can hold her for hours and she enjoys being held. She is three years old this year and is tied in third place for the oldest hen I own

These girls are (left to right) Midnight and Sophie (aka Sophia Mia.. the name I call her when I am babying her) Midnight is 5 years old and she is a Black Cochin Bantam hen. I used to take her alot of places like to petting zoos but shes getting crabbier in her old age.
Midnight is 7 years old and she is also a Black Cochin Bantam hen. Sophie is the sweetest chicken I have ever had.
She loves other animals. She randomly takes rides on our donkeys and enjoys there company. One animal that i have found that she dislikes are bunnies
I too have my favorites, it seems like there is one in every new group of peeps! How can you not pick a favorite when that special chick runs up to you for a chest rub or follows you around the yard while doing your chores. I just introduced my teens to my other two hens and I gringe every time one gets pecked for getting too silly or just because the older girls are cranky and can. I have noticed that my Aracauna's have a more clingy personality then the other breeds I have.
Thanks! I have no idea on her breed though. I've posted her picture a few times in the what breeds section but no one seems sure. I got her from the assorted bantam bin at TSC in March. All her bantam 'siblings' are twice her size. I've worried that the big girls will step on her but she's a fast little bugger. Her legs are covered in tiny feathers that are almost like down but she only has 4 toes.
No matter though, She's still one of my favs. She's got spunk that one.

She is a Naked Neck/Turken. I do agree, she is a cutie. A bit on the dumb and ditzy side, but I love her. The rest of the chickens know she is a bit er...."goofy" they just leave her be, but at night she snuggles them and sleeps on their wings and I think she has grown on them. She is a sweetheart and my whole family (including all the animals) couldn't imagine life without seeing her carelessly running through the yard

They are both precious! Thanks for sharing :)

So this is Sandy our barred rock. We went to buy 6months old silkie hens, and when we saw the pen we see this mammoth looking bird running around with these tiny silkies. We picked out our silkies and asked what is she doing there, the breeder said she was being picked on by her flock and wasn't doing well so she left and flew over and into the silkies pen. So we asked if we could have her and he said yes, she happily plopped into my sons arms as we went to pay. After that she had no issues adjusting to life in the city, and has become top hen in our flock and though she is sweet, she is still queen bee and won't let you forget it!

My favorite was my Buff Brahma Sammy. She was the low one on the chicken totem pole and was picked on by most everyone. I used to sneak her treats when nobody was looking and she'd come at my call and was just a good friend. Sadly she just couldn't run very fast and was taken by some miserable predator earlier in the week. She will be missed.
My favorite was my Buff Brahma Sammy. She was the low one on the chicken totem pole and was picked on by most everyone. I used to sneak her treats when nobody was looking and she'd come at my call and was just a good friend. Sadly she just couldn't run very fast and was taken by some miserable predator earlier in the week. She will be missed.
Sorry for your lost she is beautiful!
My favorite is Fleur. Or maybe it's Buffy? Wait, no, I love Willow! But Cecelia is just so silly and cute!

Fleur, porcelain d'uccle

Buffy, red sexlink
Willow, a dark brahma.
And Cecelia, a silver laced polish.

Here are my fav girls ( top ) specks my Wyandotte ( bellow ) my Marans sisters, Marzipan and Maranda.

That Wyandotte is GORGEOUS!!!
What type of Wyandotte is she? I've never seen coloring like that before.

Also, what type of marans are those? I have FBCMs, but I also have a game hen mix that looks a lot like these, only smaller. Her coloring is almost identical.
I have about 40 chickens- Silkies and Large Polish. My 2 favorites (they are best friends) are my little Gold Laced Polish (pet quality), and a pet Phoenix hen. I ordered Large size, but I think they are Bantams. Ziggy is the Polish, Venus in the Phoenix. They are sweeter than my silkies!

I play favorites as well. Izzy (my Sussex) was my favorite, that's why I had her name as part of mine on this site
However, this spring she became the unfortunate victim of an over-enthusiastic 4 mo. old puppy who pounced her in play when our backs were turned. It was a hard lesson to learn, and a heartbreaking loss. On a good note though - the puppy has turned into a wonderful dog (with a deeper respect for his yard-mates), and we are now the owners of a Blue-Wheaten Ameraucana (sp?) who holds the current title of "favorite".

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