Does a Blue Heron is a threat to my ducks?


6 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
Working outside, removing the covers from the raised beds when suddenly all ducks started their alarm quack. Everybody was watching the sky, so i looked up and saw a pterodactylus circling above…

Sure it wasn't a dinosaur, but from below on the first look it looked like one (not that i have ever seen one alive, i'm not that old). Long legs stretched out at the back large wings and a long neck.
I've never seen a flying blue heron before, but they just look weird. Really, really weird!

So that huge bird circled over us and then did a low flyby over the pond, where some of last year's fall ducklings were swimming and i heart them screaming in fear like i have heart ducks screaming before! - Not even when the red-tail hawk makes a fly-over.
Rushed towards the pond and just when the heron was making his final approach - the duckie were screaming their tongues out - he saw me, aborted and landed in a nearby tree. Watching.

Six ducks rushed out of the pond, ran to me an huddled to my legs!
For a bout 20 seconds when they remembered that i am the evil dux-eating axe-murderer!
They yelped and all ran down the hill towards the rest of the flock as quickly as Runner Ducks can run.

I picked up a branch that was lying on the ground held it like a gun to my chest and pointed it to the heron, still sitting in that tree, observing me. He immediately flew off and away.

Only after he left, i noticed how silent it was. No birds were singing, the crows were quiet only after a couple of minutes the voices of nature came back…

I know that herons attack and eat ducklings, other small birds and other small animals, but is a fully grown heron a threat to a grown up duck?
@JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @the_peanut_coop and @SolarDuck
Thank you very much for all your answers! :thumbsup

It was quiet on Saturday, but yesterday the heron came back and started to terrorize my ducks. He made one fly-over after the other and scared the carp out of my ducks, they were running back and forth in absolute panic! I assume he is looking for a weak member of the flock and i am now really concerned about Mr. Limpy. :(

As soon as i stepped out of the house i was overrun with ducks, some even tried to jump into my arms - remember i am the axe-murderer of the dux world… a cereal-killer that must be avoided at all time, except when handing out meal-worms or cat-food… :lau

Should he come back today i will try to blind him with a mirror, that has worked very well for the red-shouldered hawk in the past.
@JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @the_peanut_coop and @SolarDuck
Thank you very much for all your answers! :thumbsup

It was quiet on Saturday, but yesterday the heron came back and started to terrorize my ducks. He made one fly-over after the other and scared the carp out of my ducks, they were running back and forth in absolute panic! I assume he is looking for a weak member of the flock and i am now really concerned about Mr. Limpy. :(

As soon as i stepped out of the house i was overrun with ducks, some even tried to jump into my arms - remember i am the axe-murderer of the dux world… a cereal-killer that must be avoided at all time, except when handing out meal-worms or cat-food… :lau

Should he come back today i will try to blind him with a mirror, that has worked very well for the red-shouldered hawk in the past.
Good luck, Billy! Let us know how it goes.
Another day with panicked Ducks! - Had to apologize three times to customer's today and run out to shoo that :rantheron away. :mad: I'm tempted to switch the broomstick with my actual air-rifle…
It doesn't mind being blinded with a mirror, it just stays put in the tree and observes and spreads fear and panic. :he
Another day with panicked Ducks! - Had to apologize three times to customer's today and run out to shoo that :rantheron away. :mad: I'm tempted to switch the broomstick with my actual air-rifle…
It doesn't mind being blinded with a mirror, it just stays put in the tree and observes and spreads fear and panic. :he
maybe powerful laser pointer? I find that powerful ones like this
Usually terrify birds if you just shine it on their body.
maybe powerful laser pointer? I find that powerful ones like this
Usually terrify birds if you just shine it on their body.
I must think about it, thank you for the idea! - I live in close distance to the airport, the National Guard is stationed there to, so on some days there are a lot of airplanes flying overhead and i don't want to blind a pilot by accident. That laser is really powerful!

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