Does anyone have turkeys from a hatchery?

fat brown hen

Jun 12, 2022
Hello Turkey forum, I am considering ordering heritage turkeys from Cackle hatchery. Another member told me that hatchery turkeys do not grow to the correct size (meaning the sizes listed on the Livestock Conservancy Breed Comparison Chart). I don't care about color, but the last thing I want is excessively large birds. Does anyone here have heritage turkeys from a hatchery? If so, how big do they get?
Hello Turkey forum, I am considering ordering heritage turkeys from Cackle hatchery. Another member told me that hatchery turkeys do not grow to the correct size (meaning the sizes listed on the Livestock Conservancy Breed Comparison Chart). I don't care about color, but the last thing I want is excessively large birds. Does anyone here have heritage turkeys from a hatchery? If so, how big do they get?
Heritage turkeys from a hatchery are the same as heritage turkeys bought locally. The difference is that the ones bought from a hatchery are more likely to actually be what you think you are buying. Far too many locally raised birds may be mixed varieties rather than pure for the variety and in some cases may not be what the sellers claim they are.

The small varieties from a hatchery or even from locally produced may not be as small as the variety description claims. One of those is the Midget Whites. Even though they may not be as small as required, they still are nowhere as large as the broad breasted varieties.

My Bourbon Red toms got around 34 lbs. live weight. The Blue Slate toms around 30 lbs. The Royal Palm toms made about 22 lbs. My Sweetgrass toms get to about 30 lbs.
Heritage turkeys from a hatchery are the same as heritage turkeys bought locally. The difference is that the ones bought from a hatchery are more likely to actually be what you think you are buying. Far too many locally raised birds may be mixed varieties rather than pure for the variety and in some cases may not be what the sellers claim they are.

The small varieties from a hatchery or even from locally produced may not be as small as the variety description claims. One of those is the Midget Whites. Even though they may not be as small as required, they still are nowhere as large as the broad breasted varieties.

My Bourbon Red toms got around 34 lbs. live weight. The Blue Slate toms around 30 lbs. The Royal Palm toms made about 22 lbs. My Sweetgrass toms get to about 30 lbs.
Thank you, thank you! This information is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you mind sharing which hatchery you ordered from?
Thank you, thank you! This information is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you mind sharing which hatchery you ordered from?
The first ones I got were from a local feed store whose supplier was in Colorado. I have gotten poults from McMurrays, Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys and Efowl (they subcontracted the poults from someone else in Missouri).

Just looked at Efowl and their image for a Bourbon Red does not look like a Bourbon Red to me.
Hello Turkey forum, I am considering ordering heritage turkeys from Cackle hatchery. Another member told me that hatchery turkeys do not grow to the correct size (meaning the sizes listed on the Livestock Conservancy Breed Comparison Chart). I don't care about color, but the last thing I want is excessively large birds. Does anyone here have heritage turkeys from a hatchery? If so, how big do they get?
If they do not grow to the right size they are going to be smaller not larger like I got a light Brahma cockerel from them and he did not grow to the full size, but he definitely got up there light Brahma's are huge if u did not know. personally I like cackle hatchery. Ive had good experiences with them and the fatality rate is extremely low like buy 14 one might be dead when they arrive and they send extra's in case if anyone die's.
If they do not grow to the right size they are going to be smaller not larger like I got a light Brahma cockerel from them and he did not grow to the full size, but he definitely got up there light Brahma's are huge if u did not know. personally I like cackle hatchery. Ive had good experiences with them and the fatality rate is extremely low like buy 14 one might be dead when they arrive and they send extra's in case if anyone die's.
I believe there is a tendency to revert to the mean. I have ordered hatchery bantams, that were quite a bit bigger than the ones at poultry shows. I'm not sure which way turkeys fall on the mean-reversion scale.
I believe there is a tendency to revert to the mean. I have ordered hatchery bantams, that were quite a bit bigger than the ones at poultry shows. I'm not sure which way turkeys fall on the mean-reversion scale.
For bantams but if there not bred to be smaller they will probs be the rght size. with bantams they have been good for me but im only goin off of three experiences not ten.
I’ve purchased turkeys from McMurray and Ideal, plus some from TSC. Sometimes you get good birds, sometimes you don’t. I’ve noticed tinier birds than wanted, birds with color defects, and poor body shape, but not so much birds that are bigger than expected. I have a white holland tom from Ideal who is very small and short, and my chocolates from McMurray have wing carriage issues and slightly unappealing body shapes.

R2Elk is correct on locally bought turkeys, in my experience. It’s hit and miss on whether you’ll get what you actually wanted. I’ve seen so many bronze turkeys Get sold as Narragansett’s, and have gotten a supposed bourbon red tom Who ended up not being one. People in my area also Often mix up red and chocolate turkeys for one another. I’ve also gotten some of my nicest quality turkeys purchasing locally though, but this has happened far more infrequently than birds which are mislabeled or awful quality.
I’ve purchased turkeys from McMurray and Ideal, plus some from TSC. Sometimes you get good birds, sometimes you don’t. I’ve noticed tinier birds than wanted, birds with color defects, and poor body shape, but not so much birds that are bigger than expected. I have a white holland tom from Ideal who is very small and short, and my chocolates from McMurray have wing carriage issues and slightly unappealing body shapes.
Great info, this is reassuring. I would be quite happy to end up with tinier turkeys.

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