Does anyone here breed American Buff geese?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
And would you have babies this spring? I have seen pics of the tufted buffs, would really like those, but haven't seen them anywhere. I know McMurray has the buff, but I would like to avoid a hatchery if at all possible. I would settle for eggs if I can't find any goslings! Thanks!!
Yeah I have read that they are very gentle like the sebbies, and since I refuse to pay an arm and a leg for one bird,
I decided on the buffs!
I have a pair and they are wonderful, but they're not even a year old yet. They came from Metzer Farm in California.

I won't have eggs for awhile and don't plan to let them raise young for a couple years yet. I know there are some others here on BYC who have breeding Buffs.
I have 9 of them - and they have realy feathered out to be quite beautiful.

I don't think I want to ship goslings but I'll probably sell eggs if youw ant to get on a list. No one is on the list! LOL - so you'd pretty much be guaranteed! (Pick up available in Colorado)





Hehe, I don't think they like your dogs!

How much would it be for the eggs? I haven't done anything but chickens and quail yet, but I didn't have much luck with the quail. I would hate to spend a bunch on eggs that I'll mess up. I don't think it is feasible for me to go to CO for eggs!
They tease the stuffing out of those dogs - one was bitten by that shepherd last summer but she recovered. They didn't learn their lesson though - they still stick their heads through the fence and snap at them, which was what they were doing when I took that picture.

Oh I have no idea how much eggs are worth to be honest. I'll probably have a better idea early next spring.
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I have learned over the last year that I love geese far more than chickens.

Shhhhhhhhhh - don't tell.

If I had a large pond I would only raise geese and just a few kitchen hens.
Well I love the gooses too! Espeically those sweetie Dewlaps - I still like the buffs but I was just thinking this morning when I was filling up pools that I wish I had Miss Prissy's nerve and could put these Embdens in the freezer!

I only have one chicken left now - fox got into the barn and killed my beautiful blues
. It was still there, trapped in the pen, when I went out to the barn. I told it I was going to have to bash it's head in with a shovel and it panicked and forced itself out through the doggie would have made a beautiful coat - strawberry blond fur....
It never did come back.

Anyway - so chickens I have not had much luck with. My poor left over girl just sits around clucking to herself and I think she thinks she is a goose.
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