Does anyone know whats wrong with my duck?

Jul 6, 2023
So just FYI this is not any sort of life or death emergency just some weird behavior thats been worrying me. I have 12 ducks (anconas pekins and swedish) the pekins are 2 years old and the rest are 8 months old. Normally they all hang out in a flock together and are kind of skiddish towards the dogs and us, as ducks tend to be. In the past few weeks this one black swedish duck has been acting really really weird. She never hangs out with the flock anymore and just walks around by herself super far out of the area they normally are which I feel like is weird. She never goes in at night with the others either, she sleeps behind the run and I have to pick her up to bring her in. And this is the weirdest thing to me she literally is not scared of anything anymore, like she just walks right up to the dogs then just lay down, or stands infront of a moving car not even having much of a reaction and normally she's kiddish around people and being picked up but now you can go right up to her and pick her up. It's not like she's going blind she seems very conscious of everything going on. It's just weird to me that her behavior changed so fast like a switch being flipped. So has anyone else ever experienced this or have knowledge of what might be going on?? I know I'm almost definitely overreacting and she's just a little different, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thanks!
It’s not abnormal to end up with an independent duck in larger flocks. Anytime I raised larger batches together there was always one that just does her own thing and doesn’t really seem to feel the need to be a member of the flock. Never had a loner drake always a loner female. My last independent lone wolf my kids named “Yellow”. She rarely was with the other ducks, wandered much farther than the rest and was much more bold less afraid. I think the boldness and lack of fear comes with the independent personality. Think of people. People are actually meant to be in a pack and yet there are more independent loner types who seem to not feel the fear of being alone also being more adventurous. Then there is the majority of people who have a more attached to society personality type and feel that need to stay with groups.
Is there any possibility that drakes are harassing her?
I mean it could be happening but I haven't noticed anything, her feathers aren't ripped out or anything and she doesn't seem nervous around them so I don't think so but again it's entirely possible
It’s not abnormal to end up with an independent duck in larger flocks. Anytime I raised larger batches together there was always one that just does her own thing and doesn’t really seem to feel the need to be a member of the flock. Never had a loner drake always a loner female. My last independent lone wolf my kids named “Yellow”. She rarely was with the other ducks, wandered much farther than the rest and was much more bold less afraid. I think the boldness and lack of fear comes with the independent personality. Think of people. People are actually meant to be in a pack and yet there are more independent loner types who seem to not feel the fear of being alone also being more adventurous. Then there is the majority of people who have a more attached to society personality type and feel that need to stay with groups.
Thats good I was just a little worried becuase the behavior change was so sudden, but that does make sense. thanks!
Apart from, well, being apart, is she eating well? Pooping? Is her stance any different (hunched, tail down, puffed up?).
I actually took her inside the house this morning and sat on the couch with a towel under her. I fed her gave her water and waited til she pooped. everything there seems good there and her posture is normal
Thats good I was just a little worried becuase the behavior change was so sudden, but that does make sense. thanks!
I notice it the personality changes happens right around when females start to sexually mature in the 6-8 month range. I assume it’s the hormone changes kind of like puberty when a teens personality starts to develop more.

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