Does anyone use the nipple water drinkers?

Hey thanks Shaggy! I absolutely love these things-clean and convenient for all us busy chicken keepers!

Yes, I agree with you, emit the shipping was a bit ridiculous. I ordered mine from tek supply and when I received them, they were in a padded envelope with a catalog (a thick one) and gloves! Who cares! Just put them in a padded envelope and send it cheaper. When I order them again in the future, I will definitely call and request that. It ran me about 20 dollars with the shipping, I ordered 5 nipples and 5 extra grommets, worked out to about 4 dollars a waterer. Still a steal, but come on!

But.....I couldn't live without them now!
Yes they do get you on the shipping but great nipples. Saved me a lot of cleaning waterers due to the dust getting in there (dirt floor).
So, it sounds like everyone that uses them is happy with them. Correct? Hhmmm, a pretty cheap way to keep the litter dry, I am thinking!

Then what do you do differently with them in the winter?
So do you all leave the lid off the milk jug? What about putting a small hole in the lid so that nothing can fall into the jug?
You know the whole in the lid sounds like a grate idea. I am pretty ingenious but you got me on that one.

I just got an order for some of these from Ebay.. now they came from china and the design is very similar and they sold them 20 in a set. So I bought 2 sets. even with shipping they worked out to $2.24 ea. Better than some with the high shipping.
If many of use need some let me know and I will buy a larger amount and we can all split to what you want for a bit less.

here is the link to see them.
they also have other designs for fitting your needs.|66:2|39:1|72:1683|293:1|294:50

I installed one and it works great so I bought 40 more. woohoo
just thought I would share and offer
Love the nipples from Farmtek. Our water storage consists of 15 gallon jugs that you can get at your local Pepsi or Coke bottling plant. I think we paid around $5.00/jug. Gives you plenty of water storage for a very cheap price with the nipples. Hope this helps.


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the one on e bay has threads in them to tap into a pipe the others have a rubber piece that goes on them The rubber piece keeps it from leaking water around it

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