Does this bird need to be put down?

Thank you for your suggestions.

Question though if she doesn't seem to be eating should we attempt to force feed her. Either with a syringe or other things like that?
how long has she been refusing to eat?
it's also possible that she needs softer foods like yogurt or scrambled eggs due to the injury i know when my chicken got injured she refused to eat her normal food that we give all our chickens for a few days so we gave her small pieces of watermelon with iced honey electrolyte water we made and she ate that within seconds.
I don't know what ABX is.
Have been watching with hydrogen peroxide. And Neosporin.
Stop with the peroxide, it damages healthy tissue. Wash with saline solution twice daily and coat with neosporin. Leave open to the air and protect from flies.
I agree with @BigBlueHen53, peroxide once is fine - after that you want the tissue to heal, so saline is best. I would keep her inside if that is possible. If not, then in a coop/run by herself to heal. If her wounds do not heal, and/or get worse (redness), I would start an antibiotic. If you do not have a vet, you can order from here without a script. I suggest amoxicillin:

Thank you for your suggestions.

Question though if she doesn't seem to be eating should we attempt to force feed her. Either with a syringe or other things like that?
I would definitely hand and/or syringe feed. She can pull through this with some patience, medicine and extra love. I agree to wet her food so that it is a little less viscous than oatmeal. They love this...hold the bowl for her or even put it in a syringe if you have to. If you want to perk up her energy so that she wants to eat, you can do this (even though this is about chicks, it works for adults):

Another thing. They can't eat if they're dehydrated, so try to get her to drink. Maybe a little sugar water, Pedialyte or Gatorade. Put some in a little cup and hold it up to her beak. If that doesn't work, try a small syringe or dropper and put a drop on the seam of her beak, being careful not to get any in her nostrils. Hopefully she'll swallow that. If all that fails, come back and ask how to tube feed. You have to know what you're doing, so don't try it without instructions.
So she is eating. I think she's drinking as well. But I haven't seen her doing that.

Just that she's not eating very often. And she looks like she's losing weight.
So she is eating. I think she's drinking as well. But I haven't seen her doing that.

Just that she's not eating very often. And she looks like she's losing weight.
try giving her small pieces of watermelon with her food and avoid treats that are fillers like mealworms, solider flies, etc. watermelon is good for food and water and helps with dehydration as well as being a nice treat for them. cant say for sure it will help but when my chicken didnt eat much once she saw the bits of watermelon she ate it in a heartbeat.
I have noticed that when they are in pain they don't want to eat as much. You could try a low dose aspirin daily for a few days and see if that helps. Unless you happen to have meloxicam at home.

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