Does this look Normal

You can try to assist them----they do not look like they are bleeding----hatch them as far as you can as long as they do not start bleeding----if you see that stop. Hind sight is 20/20. I would Never allow 2 hens to set in the same box---but that's me. Good Luck
okay one chick just hatched, not one of the two I posted about but yay! Okay the other two, one is breathing, I took off the shell and pulled back a little membrane, he does have some blood. The second I am not sure about at all and there is quite a bit more blood, should I just get them out, or at least the second? HELP!
The assisted hating article in my signature is something you might want to read. It will help you assist them, if they do need help.

With the shell that broken, the chick will likely be able to push out on its own when it's ready. In the meantime, coat the membrane with coconut oil if you have it, or bacitracin or Neosporin without pain relief.
The assisted hating article in my signature is something you might want to read. It will help you assist them, if they do need help.

With the shell that broken, the chick will likely be able to push out on its own when it's ready. In the meantime, coat the membrane with coconut oil if you have it, or bacitracin or Neosporin without pain relief.
I put coconut oil on, and immediately saw the difference that made. One is alive the other I am not sure
The assisted hating article in my signature is something you might want to read. It will help you assist them, if they do need help.

With the shell that broken, the chick will likely be able to push out on its own when it's ready. In the meantime, coat the membrane with coconut oil if you have it, or bacitracin or Neosporin without pain relief.
Would it help to put these two under the brinsea brooder since she still has 9 others and a chick under her? She has pushed these two out a couple of times
I'm not sure they would stay warm enough that way. Might be best to just leave them under her for now.

If you have an incubator, put them in it. You can give them back to the mom after they hatch.
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This one is doing good, momma tucked it under, but its trying to get on its feet now, nice and dry and Fluffy. These are all Blue Ameracauna Roo, I lost him suddenly three weeks ago and grabbed eggs I knew were his off spring and not the other roo and put them under broodys. This is from a Olive egger hen
The assisted hating article in my signature is something you might want to read. It will help you assist them, if they do need help.

With the shell that broken, the chick will likely be able to push out on its own when it's ready. In the meantime, coat the membrane with coconut oil if you have it, or bacitracin or Neosporin without pain relief.
Those two didnt make it, momma has the other tucked under her and the other 9 show no signs of anything yet. Maybe in the morning.

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