Does this look normal?


Oct 7, 2023
I recently brought home 2 girls from my dads house. They quarantined and then went into a crate in the run so my flock will get used to them.

yesterday was hot....close to 90, and will be for 4 more days.

I let the flock out to free range and locked the girls in the run so they could explore their new home. Came back out and was a but concerned with her poop...could this be from the extra water intake? She seems to be eating fine. This is new starting yesterday afternoon

It could be from increased water intake, or from a change in diet. If she's acting normally, then I would watch and see. If it persists then worming might be a good idea. If they or she start acting lethargic, or not eating and drinking well, then coccidiosis could be a possibility since they've been moved to new ground. Do you know how old they are? Do you know if they are laying?
They are about 4 months old, they are not laying yet. They seem to be eating (but i dont feel like its enough compared to my other birds, maybe they dont like the pellets) and def drinking like normal. I may worm them anyway, my big chickens had a few sus poops i noticed and havent been wormed in 8 months.

Dont think its coccidiosis, ive managed that before a few times.

Thanks for your help!
Have you changed their feed suddenly? Being exposed to poops from others inside the coop and stress could bring on coccidiosis. Corid is mild, and safe to use in case. I would install a thermometer in the coop. Mine gets very warm with it’s metal roof in summer, so I have had to make more windows and use a fan to maximize ventilation. I agree they may be drinking more and that can cause a difference in the droppings.

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