Dog ate string.


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2020
Hello, I came into my room and have noticed that my dog ate a bag full of friendship bracelet string. I heard that it could be very serious and I was wondering if there was anything I could do. Thank you.
I’d call a vet for their advice, but in the mean time if it starts coming out of the dogs butt, trim off end pieces as it comes out but DO NOT PULL IT! You can shred the intestine by doing this. My kitty once ate a very long piece of string, unbeknownst to me, and I only found a out when she tried to pass it. I just trimmed it as it came out and she was fine. Most likely case is your dog will be able to pass it, but the string is not digestible so if you don’t see come out in a few days do not wait any longer to see a vet.
By the time I'm posting, it's too late to make the dog vomit. Everyone should know how - you pour a shot of hydrogen peroxide down their throats - but DO NOT do it now!! It's no good to try even a half hour after they ate whatever awful thing they shouldn't.

So, attempt 2 is to get it to pass through them. Withhold all food. Feed them petroleum jelly, as much as you can. It is inert, will not be digested and (fingers crossed) may lube everything right on through. Just smear it on the roof of the mouth like peanut butter.

Provide lots of thinned broth to encourage drinking.

If/when the string starts to pass, DONT PULL. The other poster was not kidding or exaggerating, now you've heard it from 2 people, you can shred the intestine. Literally shred it. This is fatal.
Do cut it so the dog can't pull at it.

If the dog passes the petroleum jelly (this will be obvious) and not ALL of the string get them to the vet right then.
Pay the emergency after hours fee.
Drive however far you have to.
Borrow a car from a neighbor.
Do what you have to do to get them there.

When they eat something indigestible, there is always a chance of blockage, which is really serious. Surgery or death serious. String is so, so much worse. Because it can unravel and get caught up then as part of it tries to pass, the caught part gets tighter.... and tighter. It will cut off circulation to parts of the intestine, which then quickly die.

So, be ready to get gross and wash through greasy dog poo looking for every string. If they don't pass every last one, rush to the vet.
What is a bag full? Little bag, big bag?? Most the time a dog can pass about anything it eats, keep an eye on it, and as said if you see a string hanging out, trim it but don’t pull on it. If no signs of pooping it out in a few days, might want to call a vet just Incase.

Now for a chance at humor to help you de-stress a little.

Hello, I came into my room and have noticed that my dog ate a bag full of friendship bracelet string. I heard that it could be very serious and I was wondering if there was anything I could do. Thank you.
Hello. My 100 pound dog ate the elastic string of a rotisserie chicken 1.5 days ago & I’m still waiting for it to pass. How did your dog do after eating the bag of bracelet string? How many days did it take for him to pass the strung? Did he have any health issues afterwards? Thank you.

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