Dog Attack


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
Well, the worst happened. I was working yesterday and heard my free range girls yelling, went outside to find feathers everywhere, Boudica sitting on the ground and a Husky running around my yard. The husky was people friendly and honestly seemed confused about why I was upset. It took me some time to find two of my four girls. Long story short, I had to take three girls to the emergency vet.
This morning, I Made a protein breakfast for my hospitalized girls. Scrambled eggs with black fly larvae and some sunflower seeds. Boudicca is in a extra large dog crate, Tomoe is in the shower (plan to build a crate for her today) and Cleo, who has the worst injuries, is in the brooder (which is is a converted entertainment center.) They are going to need at least 14 days of healing indoors and separated. They each have staples and stitches. Boudicca is limping. They each have deep gashes but Cleo had a chunk of flesh torn almost down to the bone. So she’ll never have a normal tail again. I didn’t count but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has at least 30 stitches. It was grisly and traumatic for me and them. The vet had to cut their tissue back to avoid necrosis. We’re hopeful they’ll heal well. People will question me for spending vet money on my chickens, but I love them. Pets are for life, and it’s my responsibility to take care of them and ensure their wellbeing. I will send a copy of the invoice to the dog’s owner and ask them to contribute to the bill. Hopefully, they will. Lozen is fine -she was in a separate area of the yard. It was so sad to see her sleeping alone last night. I’ve brought her in to see her sisters and she’s currently napping on my lap.
I appreciate any advice on how to comfort them, help them heal and feed them their medicine. They have an oral pain med and a pill antibiotic which we’re wrapping in some bread.
They are still physically able to lay eggs but I imagine it’ll be painful and wouldn’t be surprised if stress halts their production for awhile, if that’s possible.
Not posting pics of Cleo since her wounds are so grisly. Vet recommended a baby onesie for her so she can’t reach her wounds.


I Made a protein breakfast for my hospitalized girls. Scrambled eggs with black fly larvae and some sunflower seeds.
Wow, you and your girls have been through it. I don't think your crazy.. I think it's awesome you have the resources to seek veterinary help! Many of us do not.

Please note what you describe as a protein breakfast sounds delicious and encouraging for the appetite which may be important but may also be much higher in fat than it is in protein.

Eggs are 34%protein and 64% fat for example.. by energy (calorie count).. not volume and also not human RDA based on x amount of calorie diets. You may find similar ratios when looking up your other items. BOSS for example is only around 15-16% protein, 28% fiber (aka carbs), and the rest being fat.. depending on source numbers vary SLIGHTLY.

Re egg laying.. it's heavily influenced by lighting hours.. reduced lighting may help decrease laying.. but also, I'm sure you wanna be careful not to throw them into a molt.

Are they able to see each other (in the same room) and still chat and such?

Chickens are resilaint creatures.. and they've got you on their side! :fl
Re egg laying.. it's heavily influenced by lighting hours.. reduced lighting may help decrease laying.. but also, I'm sure you wanna be careful not to throw them into a molt.
The vet recommended eggs and worms. 🤷‍♀️

Can you please explain this? These are my first chickens. What could throw them into molt? How will I know if that happens?

They are all in the same room. They can see each other and talk.

They seem a little stressed/agitated because they want out. Anyone have anything to recommend to help with that?

Yesterday they each laid an egg. Today they have not. Should I worry?
I hope all your girls recover from the attack. I also hope the dog owner pays the vet bill.

I use bread to give meds. Whether its liquid or powdered meds I also coat the outside of the bread ball with some wet cat food. It masks the taste and i think it goes down easier.
Poor things! I hope they make a full and speedy recovery! Having a hurt chick is awful. I cannot imagine three! Sending good thoughts your way!

Good thing they got a great chicken mama!!
The vet recommended eggs and worms. 🤷‍♀️
Possibly because they're highly palatable.. and to encourage eating and more regular behavior rather than possibly going into shock. Eggs are also highly digestable.

Once they've shown interest in eating.. standard feed (even wet into a mash) is going to be your best bet.. and keeping the other things still to treat status. Do they usually eat "layer" or "flock raiser", etc? What are their current ages?

Can you please explain this? These are my first chickens. What could throw them into molt? How will I know if that happens?
Reducing lighting too far in attempt to decrease egg laying (as I suggested was possible) could cause a molt which means the birds quit laying and lose their feathers in order to regrow new ones... You'd know by the feather pillow explosion everywhere. This is *usually* affected naturally and seasonally according partly to the age in backyard flocks but done manually using lighting and/or decreased nutrition in commercial flocks.. and was mentioned because you were worried about laying being painful. However.. molting is a stress of its own.. and maybe the laying is not as painful as you thought it might be?? Since they did lay yesterday.. I wouldn't be too worried about them having not laid yet today.. and expect to see some sporadic laying due to the changes taken place.

They are all in the same room. They can see each other and talk.
That's great. And it's also nice that Lozen has been able to visit as well, this will help keep the pecking order in tact rather than having reintroduction problems.

They seem a little stressed/agitated because they want out. Anyone have anything to recommend to help with that?
Creatures of habit do not like changes. Since they've got pain meds on board.. they may not be "feeling" as awful as they otherwise would.. and pain is a good messenger that naturally limits our movement to help keep us from further injury. NO pain.. makes ill and injured beings at more risk.. This may partly be why the separation and sequestering in a kennel is required. Maybe them being annoyed is a good thing.. or at least a good indicator of recovery in progress.. and way better than not having any future!

I *might*.. attempt short together outings (even inside the room) and see how dynamics unfold.. or I *might* let just one girl out at a time to go check the others out, stretch her legs, etc. But please use YOUR best judgement.

How are they doing today?

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