Dog attack


Sep 19, 2024
So I'm new to owning chickens i only have 5 hens. 4 hens and 1 rooster from the info im gathering online im also a proud owner of a full blooded JRT. Well yesterday she thought she was going to catch chicken dinner after climbingover my hog panel. And now one of my hens is missing feathers and skin around he(r) neck. I admittedly rinsed and cleaned her with chlorherxidine and kept her in my room in a box she pretty much immediately got on the edge of the box and purchased all night. I was going to add gaze but didn't want to Irritate the skin. I put her with her flock for a lil while today but its hot so I am now sitting next to her she wants to eat if I bring the food up to her did drink some when by her flock. I read in a forum on this website that you can give them baby food but I can't find the forum again to see what kind so any advice would be appreciated.
There's a product called Vetricyn that can be safely used on chickens. If she is eating and drinking normally, you should probably just stick with her regular diet.

Was she being bullied by the other chickens at all when you put her with them?
There's a product called Vetricyn that can be safely used on chickens. If she is eating and drinking normally, you should probably just stick with her regular diet.

Was she being bullied by the other chickens at all when you put her with them?
Not that I saw i just got worried about the sun on her skin. And she is but isn't eating if I raise the bowl up she pecks a lil but im thinking her neck might be in pain or tight being its now healing she is moving around though absolutely no problem there. I do have a way to separate them if I feel she can go back outside and the need arises
If she is moving around okay and eating and drinking, and if she isn't being bullied by the others, I'd maybe just let her be? It sounds like she's past the shock phase. As long as she has a place to stand in the shade, she can regulate if she is getting too hot on her skin.

And you've checked to make sure that she only has scrapes and no puncture wounds?
If she is moving around okay and eating and drinking, and if she isn't being bullied by the others, I'd maybe just let her be? It sounds like she's past the shock phase. As long as she has a place to stand in the shade, she can regulate if she is getting too hot on her skin.

And you've checked to make sure that she only has scrapes and no puncture wounds?
Yeah the skin and feathers got pulled but no punctures I washed it right away I thought she was a goner but seems to be pulling though I posted a pic forgot to earlier. Again I'm a first time chicken owner so this is definitely new to me

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