Yes, but often the puncture wounds cause by the dog's canine got rather deep down and need to drain or else the bacterial gunk will fester.
Thank you for this information, the sepsis is definitely something I had not considered yet. I will check the Tractor Supply to see if there is any of the either antibiotics that were* mentioned.
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The reason an injured bird seems calm is because they are shock.

I keep lavender essential oil on hand. I would have put a drop at each damage site. I also have frankincense essential oil, which I have found stops the bleeding of a puncture wound.

Vitamin C will aid with healing and inflammation. You can just sprinkle a little powder onto something she will eat.
I have lavender, frankincense I would probably have to order.

For vitamin c, is something like Emergen-C for humans OK?
Emergen C, I don't know. I have capsules and I can break them open. I also have powdered buffered C for the dogs.
Thank you so much for the information, I really appreciate it. I will see if I can find the capsules at the grocery store ♡

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