Dog owners discussion: Do you do agility? Tips, tricks, and how-tos.

What's your experience with agility?

  • Getting pretty good! (30-50 weeks), no competing

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  • Just dropping in to read the comments.

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  • Just started (1-10 weeks), competing

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  • Getting pretty good! (30-50 weeks) competing

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  • Rocking it! (1-2 years), competing

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My dog Luc and I did our first agility class yesterday. He's a 2 yr, 70 lb pit mix. We were introduced to a few different pieces of the equipment and Luc was totally fearless. We both enjoyed it and it was so fun to see him zoom through the tunnel with a huge smile on his face after. I plan to keep it up but don't have any desire to compete.
I forgot about this thread! 🤣

Finley is now too old, sleepy, and grumpy to care much, but I’ve just started training my new dog, Bridgette, in some very basic things. We still have the one jump left from Finley, and I decided to build an A-frame which ended up being a lot of fun. I’m just about to go outside and find some sticks from the windstorm and see if I can conjure a few more jumps.


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  • Do you do agility with your dogs?
  • What breed(s), age(s), and size(s) of dogs do you have, specifically ones that participate in agility?
Denver 3 year old Golden Retriever who weighs 80lbs
Tucker 2 year old Golden Retriever who weighs 58lbs
  • Do you compete, or is it just for fun?
We compete in 4h. Denver isnt really fast so her its just for fun. Tucker is reactive so its also just for fun.
  • What part(s) of agility do you do with your dog(s)?
All of it jumps, tunnel, tire, weave poles, table, a frame, dog walk
  • Do you enjoy agility?
Yes very much it actually helps in both the dogs skills on listening and helps me work better with them
  • How much time do you spend on agility?
Every Tuesday and Thursday May-Sep and then i do jumps and tunnels at home once or twice a week.
  • How did you teach your dog(s) agility?
I started young with jumping, but just exposing to the agility equipment they picked up quickly.
  • How do you reward?
When doing a full run its a treat/ praise at the end. When working on one object its a treat/praise every time.
  • What tips/tricks do you have for beginners?
Just start with one thing the easiest is probably jumps. Dont do a half run until they are confident with all equipment in the run. Go slow and on leash this way you can guide them once they learn they will run off leash better.
I dont have any pictures or videos of me running actual course with them. But i do of just doing jumps. I dont have this jump completely dont so im just using 2 x 4s to raise and lower the height.
Ill be building a a frame, dog walk, more jumps and actually weave poles in the spring hopefully!




Do you do agility with your dogs?
yes, i do aagilitywitg willow and currently am training Oakley too. Oakley will be my main for agility once he's old enough.
What breed(s), age(s), and size(s) of dogs do you have, specifically ones that participate in agility?
Great pyrenees, 80 lbs, 1½ years
Labrador retriever, still groeing but i estimate about 35-40 lbs, 6 months old.
Do you compete, or is it just for fun?
I complete, nothing big though. So far just 4h shows and fairs
What part(s) of agility do you do with your dog(s)?
Almost everything, jumps, tunnels, all contacts...pretty much everything except weaves which we are still learning
Do you enjoy agility?
Very much! Its one of my favorite dog sports
How much time do you spend on agility?
a few hours a week training, i need to train more
How did you teach your dog(s) agility?
with positive rreinforcement and patience, willow caught on quick and was very brave on all obstacles so its pretty easy
How do you reward?
Trears, toys and praise
What tips/tricks do you have for beginners?
be patient with the training, it can take some time to get them used to obstacles and rushing is going to make it harder. Teach balance and leg awareness

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