"Dolly and Kenny" Laced Blue Serama Laying Hen and Rooster


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Cobleskill NY




I got this pair directly from Jerry's Seramas last fall. They have blessed me with lots of great looking offspring, so I'm moving on with "my" line and letting the parents go. I have hatched chicks from this pair, as well as with each of them mated to black birds. The results were great both ways, but the blue to black matings seemed to be nicer looking to my eye. He is 20 ounces, and is banded with 2010 SCNA band #1935. She is 19 ounces and has a 2008 SCNA band. I'll have to check on the number if that is important to you. They're on the larger side, but are good breeders and have throw plenty of smaller offspring. She has not even thought of going broody, and lays 3 eggs a week on average. His comb is large do to the fact that he was raised indoors. I also keep my breeding cages inside. The lack of sunlight does encourage large comb growth. None of his offspring exhibit this, as they have been raised in natural sunlight.

About my breeding program
I am a Serama breeder, relatively new to the breed. I have spent considerable money obtaining the best breeding stock I could find from top breeders, and while I cannot claim my birds are show quality, as I have not personally shown them, they are genetically related to some of the best lines of Seramas in the US. Of course no breeder sells his or her best birds, and I am no different. I sell my pet quality birds locally, keep my very best for the breeding of future generations, and offer the second best, or breeder quality birds up for sale. Some of my birds are very good, but are not colors or patterns I am personally interested in breeding so I auction them. Most of my birds are ones I have bred myself, but occasionally I do sell breeding stock that I have obtained from other well-known breeders. I provide as much information as I know about each bird. I breed towards the standard as described by the SCNA.

About my auctions
I try to auction a number of birds at one time. Seramas are small, and depending on age 2-4 can fit into one shipping box. This saves on total shipping costs to the recipient. I do not have extra pullets or hens for sale beyond those listed in the auction. I appreciate wanting extra females for breeding, but I sell all that I am willing to part with at the time of each auction. We all know that one rooster can cover multiple hens, so for my own breeding purposes, I hold onto many more pullets than cockerels, as I need more of them to accomplish my breeding goals. I generally only sell cockerels or well-matched pairs. Please do email me if you have specific requests for the future, but at the time of auction, there are no extra females. I can always find an extra cockerel if needed to round out a shipping box. Also email during an auction, or post on the auction thread, if there are specific questions. I try to check in at least once a day, but I am not online all the time.

The fine print
All of my auctions are Paypal only, unless other arrangements are made in advance. Payment shall be made at the end of the auction, and if not paid within 24 hours, I reserve to right to offer the bird to someone else or re-list the bird. My Paypal account is [email protected]. The auction price DOES NOT include shipping. The shipping price is an estimate, and includes the cost of a new shipping box. As long as actual shipping fees come out to be close to the estimated amount I do nothing. If it is considerably more, I ask for the difference, and if it is considerably less, I refund the difference. Shipping is not easy on birds, and is a risk. The USPS processes millions of packages a day, and I have never received a dead bird, nor had one die in transit yet, but these things can and do happen. The USPS can be very unreliable. This is not my fault. Next day shipping can turn into 3 day shipping. They do not guarantee on time arrival for live animal shipment. Birds can be exposed to fumes and unexpected weather. I always forward shipping information to the recipient, but I have zero control of your package once it ships, and it is foolish to believe that every package is treated kindly.

I try to ship on Monday and Tuesday to give time for error on the part of the USPS. I cannot always ship immediately due to weather, my personal schedule, holidays, or lack of appropriate shipping containers. I will always communicate with the buyer about all of these issues so that we all agree on a shipping date.

****(I MAY be able to deliver to the Northern NY Chickenstock on June 25. I would just ask for $20 to help cover gas costs, as it’s quite a drive. This is still a huge savings over USPS shipping.)****
Yes, these are Jerry's birds, that stopped off for about 6 months in Philadelphia. He's just a bit too loud, and I have a few promising young pullets coming up as well.

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