Domnijoe Pets and Art - The Birds



Dec 9, 2021
Manitoba, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Hey there folks! This is where I share stories of my quail and other fids. I may even share art I've done!

As of this first post I have 8 birds - 2 cockatiels, 2 green cheek conures, a peach front conure and 3 Japanese quail. The two green cheeks are my breeders, though they've not laid for me in almost 2 years. My cockatiels are room mates who tolerate each other and the male, Redshift, is my retired breeding cock who lost his mate to old age about a year ago. He's gonna be 20 in 2022! Charlie, the peach front conure, is a rescue. His mom was in the hospital and unfortunately died and I got him through the local parrot club. He's going to be 21 in May :) .

Then there's my quail. The cockatiels are currently sharing their cage with them until I can get a proper guinea pig cage for the quail. Their names are Lock, Stock and Barrel, but don't ask me who's who, because I can't tell the difference! LOL! The tiels are currently not sure of their new room mates and will look down from above, wondering who the HECK the weirdos are. Redshift should be used to them, as he grew up with my first quail about 18 years ago. :)

That's the short of it. Nice to meet you and hope to read more of you!
I had my first quail eggs in 15 years. They were better than I remember :D ! Rich and with a slight chick-like tang.... Oh wow, they were good!

As for art - I'm working on a quail painting right now. It's going to start off as a watercolor and later on gouache will be added. I have the background started. Have to work on the grass eventually. I'll post pix as soon as I'm able :)
SO yeah.... trying a new housing situation with the quail. Gonna try a See-through Steralite box with holes drilled into it, because I do NOT trust my dog with a guinea pig cage. From what I've seen, a well ventilated container should do as good a job of containing the quail as a cage and offer more protection. Besides, I can always get a cage if this project doesn't work. I also ordered some horizontal chicken feeder cups, some plumber's tape and a Dremel. I neeeeed the Dremel because my last one walked off when a (Hoarder) neighbour of mine removed some of her stuff from my suite. It'll help me get this quail cage thing done, asap :) .

The quail are doing great, though somebody in the aviary is making a crying noise. I have no idea if it's the quail or if it's the tiels mimicking the dog whining. It sounds like a baby crying. A 'whyyyaaaa-aaaa-aaaaah!' noise. Sigh. One of the many mysteries of the universe :)

The quail painting I'm working on is slowly progressing. Slower than I want it to, but it'll make sure I get things done well if I take my time. I should be able to post pictures once I get my camera working again. Or I could just use the cell phone and do it the creative way with that in mind. LOL!
One of my Coturnix quail hens is quite vocal with 'Egg song'. She can be quite loud, too, though it's not annoying. Male cockatiel screech is annoying, LOL. The quail's egg-laying has been quite productive. I've had something like 10-12 eggs out of the three of them this week!

I'm contemplating getting a male Jumbo and doing some hatching, but first I have to wait for my oldest birds to pass. My Peach Front Conure, Charlie, (rescue) is 21 in 2022 and my cockatiel, Redshift, turns 20! I don't know what I've been doing to have older birds (Especially Charlie!), but it must incorporate some secret in their pelleted food like unicorn farts or faerie wings, LOL!

Still working on my darn quail Painting. I've been busy practicing my alto recorder, so I've been missing out on the art. The background is laid out in basic colors, but the rest of it needs some serious work. It's currently done in watercolor crayon. Plan on adding gouache later on :)
Quail WIP.jpeg

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