Don’t hate me! Are these boys?

Man this is tough because they're just too young to accurately sex. #2 in particular really might be a pullet. I think some of the others could be too. If I had to advocate for keeping one it would be #2. Is the comb "built up" at all? It just looks so flat to me
Also if you're clinging onto hope for for 5 and 6 too, I honestly don't feel comfortable calling them cockerels yet. They're pullets until they're not in my head and your bunch is pretty ambiguous.... I had four Buff Laced Brahmas once and I assumed that at least one was a male just due to odds. I kept scrutinizing them and trying to decide until I finally realized all were girls. I think it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to find the cockerels early but you might just have a skewed ratio in this batch.
Thanks @Rhodebar Lover! I agree, #2 is suspect to me as well! I don’t know what’s going on with all the bare skin behind the comb, but if that was filled in with feathering I would probably think it’s a girl. It is quite a bit smaller than most of the other boys. However, it does seem to be a little outgoing which makes me think possibly boy just based on that. Here are some more pics of that one.
Shoot in these I do suspect cockerel more than before... You're a couple weeks behind when this is really obvious. Any chance your buyer will wait until even a week? I think you will receive start to know quite soon. :)
Thanks @Rhodebar Lover! I agree, #2 is suspect to me as well! I don’t know what’s going on with all the bare skin behind the comb, but if that was filled in with feathering I would probably think it’s a girl. It is quite a bit smaller than most of the other boys. However, it does seem to be a little outgoing which makes me think possibly boy just based on that. Here are some more pics of that one.
Are those little pink spots on the little wattles?
By golly, you may be on to something there! When I go out to see them again I’ll look closely at his wattles!
They're small but I thought I saw a little pink spot on the second photo of the first set you posted. Cameras can also capture colors wrong too, but....
Also if you're clinging onto hope for for 5 and 6 too, I honestly don't feel comfortable calling them cockerels yet. They're pullets until they're not in my head and your bunch is pretty ambiguous.... I had four Buff Laced Brahmas once and I assumed that at least one was a male just due to odds. I kept scrutinizing them and trying to decide until I finally realized all were girls. I think it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to find the cockerels early but you might just have a skewed ratio in this batch.
I agree, it is easy to just assume that the ratios will be even!! Last year I had a batch of 9 chicks from shipped eggs and I suspected a lot of boys, but couldn’t believe it when 8 of the 9 ended up boys!!! And forever I was clinging on to hope that 2 were girls and then my second “girl” started crowing 🤣 It was just so hard to believe that I had ended up with 8 boys.

The person coming to pick them up lives over an hour away so I said that they could come this weekend… It’s okay, I’ll probably just give all the paints up, if one of them is a girl it’s okay, I’d just hate to accidentally give away 3 girls 🤣
I agree, it is easy to just assume that the ratios will be even!! Last year I had a batch of 9 chicks from shipped eggs and I suspected a lot of boys, but couldn’t believe it when 8 of the 9 ended up boys!!! And forever I was clinging on to hope that 2 were girls and then my second “girl” started crowing 🤣 It was just so hard to believe that I had ended up with 8 boys.

The person coming to pick them up lives over an hour away so I said that they could come this weekend… It’s okay, I’ll probably just give all the paints up, if one of them is a girl it’s okay, I’d just hate to accidentally give away 3 girls 🤣
8/9 boys!?! :eek:
Short summary: please look at the pictures on this post and let me know if you see one that looks like a girl. They are going to be given away on Saturday. The next post down shows some supposed girls the same age, for comparison.

Longer post that really doesn’t need to be read:

I am growing out too many chicks and don’t have enough room to continue growing them all out! They are about 7-9 weeks old right now. I found someone willing to take my extra boys on Saturday, which will be so helpful for me. Can you help me by sharing your opinion on some of these chicks??

I want to give away all the for-sure boys, but if any of them are likely girls I should hang on to them. However, if they are probably boys, I should give them up now because it is so difficult to find homes for boys here.

I am pretty positive on most of these being boys, but there are a couple that I can’t tell on because they have feathers kind of growing in, in the area that I thought was all comb. Any insight appreciated, and please don’t hate me for posting this with such young chicks that are difficult to sex breeds. :oops:

If I end up giving away a girl or two that’s okay, I just don’t want to give a bunch of them away.

The paint chicks are the ones I am most curious about!! The NNs and the blacks I am almost sure are boys. So if you really want to help, I could sure use opinions on #2, #5 and #6. Numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 I am sure are the boys. I have until Saturday to decide! Thanks everyone 🙏

Oh no, the photos posted all in random order!! Well if you just look at the paint chicks, I put a number on each picture so you can let me know what you think on those ones if possible! Thanks sooo much everyone!

@Debbie292d @2ndTink @Noraaaaa @OrpingtonManiac @tviss711 @GreenJay @TwoCrows @Ingrid_Grace @gimmie birdies @GodLovesU @tlcmurphy @Cheekychook12
Which one is Noggy? Do you still have him? I’m curious😄

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