Done With Moochers

Like the cockroach idea! Need to use spiders instead got several people scared of them.

This was unbelievable yesterday. When our bakery has something like cookies or turnovers that outdate they will put them on the back counter for the employees to eat on break. I went to get one and the whole thing was gone. I thought ok they got eaten already but I looked in the garbage's and there was no empty package so I know one of the moochers grabbed it when they went to lunch.
Noticed at work that the bags of coffee I bring in were getting lower. I had not been making coffee and our other coffee drinkers make the generic brand we keep in the back. The coffee I get runs between $11.00 to $12.00 a bag depending upon where I buy it.

Had one co-worker suck down 3/4 of a brand new bottle of coffee creamer I had just bought and opened.

Day before Thanksgiving I had made an italian sandwiches that a friend taught me to make and I had wrapped them all up in plastic wrap and snuck them in the back. I hid them in the produce cooler and told the people who I consider friends about them. They all thanked me for my thoughtfulness. No lunch break that day.
Well the moochers found out about the sandwiches and they scarfed them down. Not a one thanked me for them. The reason I didn't tell them is because they would have eaten them all before anyone else got one.

I have had several items disappear that I have bought.

Just took all of my coffee home and I now leave nothing behind that can be taken.

We normally do a pot luck on Christmas Eve, but not sure I will be bringing anything. Maybe a small box of crackers and a can of cheese!

That'll fix 'em!
:I used to work in an office that had a communal kitchen with 2 refrigerators for employees to keep their lunches. One day someone left this note on one of the fridges:
" To the person that stole my lunch yesterday,
Thanks to you I had to go without anything to
eat. Shame on you for eating my lunch!"

Later in the day, a comment had been written on the bottom of that note:
"It wasn't very good but thanks anyway"

The comeback still makes me chuckle (even though taking someone's lunch wasn't funny).
Buy a packet of oreos and a bottle of pure white toothpaste (NOT one with red/blue stripes). Twist apart the oreos, scrape off the cream, put a little toothpaste on them, put them back together, and put them back in the container. Leave them out... someone will be in for a surprise.
Someone at my work would probably still eat them. There's one guy who eats York peppermint patties all day most days (ick, I don't like them). I could see him eating and enjoying oreos with toothpaste filling.
Make some sandwiches and put freeze-dried mealworms and crickets in them. Drizzle a little Castor Oil on the bread. (Make sure you tell your friends not to eat them.) If no one eats them, you can take them home and give them to your chickens for a special treat.
Maybe peanut butter and all-fruit spread (or honey).

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