Dont shoot me! Withhold food?


8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
Some guy told us this, and I just dont have the heart to do it, so dont get mad..But, he said when the pullets get to be laying age, withhold food from them for three days to get the antibiotics out of their systems, then start them on layer pellets...Has anyone heard of this? Just dont know what to think of it...
Does your feed even HAVE antibiotics in it? Most medicated starter has Amprol, which is not an antibiotic. The "some guy" is not a reliable source of info.

Feed starter or flock raiser until they start laying and then gradually mix in the layer feed.

ETA, I sometimes push it, depending upon how much starter is left. I've switched to layer as early as 16 weeks and not had any problems. And some of my birds are pretty old!
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That's what we did..Put them on layer feed..I cannot find the bag to see if the chick feed even had meds in clue..But, again, you are all awesome! Thanks!

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