Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

If only the robin had access to news programs, it would have known that following a beautiful, 60-plus-degree day, a blizzard -- the first of this winter -- would hit the next day.

Why did the weather folks have to be right this time? How did everyone else fare, weatherwise?

Tuesday night made me feel as if I belonged in a Three Stooges episode. I was up past my bedtime watching TV and listening to howling winds when the room went dark. I walked out to the kitchen to grab the energy company's emergency number off the fridge and absent mindedly flipped the light switch -- surprise! The lights came on!

For a few hours, the lights would go out for minutes. I would jump up off the sofa and reset all the digital clocks (actual clocks, clock radios, clocks in the microwaves and gas stove, clocks in the upstairs bedrooms) then crawl back under a blanket. Then, the power would go again for a few minutes, and I would repeat the entire routine. Sure, it would have been easier if I wasn't so darned picky about not only having all those clocks set but having them set to EXACTLY the same time and not derisively blinking at me until I got my hands on them.

Still, I was quite lucky because nearly 6,400 households in my county totally lost power, some for nearly 12 hours.

When the forecasters said "blizzard," they weren't exaggerating. The back door was frozen shut, metal latches on the coops were frozen, snow blew in all the coops through the ventilation openings and piled against the coop doors, winds blew drifts as high as the railing on the deck ramp and my smaller dog refused to go outside. I now know Dinah can control her bladder for at least 22 hours, although I'm pretty sure she shouldn't make a habit of it.

Today, I will clear the ramp AGAIN, remove snow from the coops and shovel out all the runs so my birds can enjoy the predicted sunshine. Then, it's supposed to snow again tomorrow. I have stocked up on essentials and am tempted not to shovel the driveway, but to just wait for warm weekend temps to do most of the work for me.
Some drifts here. It's already melting. The sun is warm and bright. I had troubles getting my house door open last night because it froze, and a gate froze outside. Definitely glad it's warmish.

Barb I'm glad you didn't lose power totally. Apparently some in northern Wisconsin did. Maybe that's why the second half of our Jeopardy yesterday was gone? Had to look up the winner.
Annie came down with broncitis on Feb 26
I let her cough all over me for two days and then I came down with the flu.
I am pretty much over mine, but she is still fighting with hers,
we had about 6 inches of heavy wet snow,
the neighbor came and did a great job of plowing,
our car broke down, it is in the fixit shop,
DD Brenda is coming and bringing us what we need,
we warned everyone else to stay away, this flu is no joke.
11F this morning,
Just glad to know that you are alive and kicking!! Hope Annie gets over hers really soon.

Although there's been a lot of thawing, there's also refreeze overnight. I'm still snowed in because I can't face shoveling the too-long driveway; I hope to be able to leave the property Monday when I'm supposed to pick up hay.

In the meantime, I expect much more mud in the runs later today.
Jim it's good to hear from you and I hope Annie is back to her healthy self soon.

Callender Girl maybe you could find a neighbor with a tractor to plow when the snow is too heavy ?

Our weather has been below freezing, day and night forever! i'm really tired of the ice on the driveway. Possibly today we'll get in the 40's, then the ice can melt a little so it refreezes smoother..

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