Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Rain missed us. Went over our heads. Seems Jim got it this time. I think we need at least a week of no rain just to dry the fields and probably 3-5 days to dry the hay once it's cut since it's so thick. We are hopeful that July will be dryer. Downside is I would have to water my garden.

Barb hopefully you get some breeds you want. I'm no help. I got another order on it's way. Don't need them and not sure why I ordered more chicks.
way back when I used to hatch a lot of eggs for people, a friend brought be a bunch of eggs.
I hatched them and called him. he said, Oh, I don't want them, you keep them.
that's why I have two large coops.
One winter, towards when I quit having birds.
I had geese, chickens, muscovy ducks,guineas amd peacocks.
there were about 100 in all. I bought a pallet of feed. I told Annie, that pallet cost more than what my whole flock is worth.
that's when I started down sizing.
we got the rain gutters up and today I finished it by adding the down spout.
I think DD Barby has found a local place to get food grade barrels. I will call him tomorrow.
our lawn is like a hay field. good thing we don't have to dry it after cutting it.
yesterday the village idiot was cutting the brush in the ditches. He is the one who cut the fully blossoming huge elderberry bush down.,
we just got home as he was lining up on our side of the road. Annie went and stood in the ditch where the bushes started, and I stood where they ended. the idiot raised his mower and skipped our whole ditch. Annie asked me if we were the first people to save their elderberries that way ? lol
Congrats on saving the elderberries! County contracts a guy to cut the ditches here. A few years ago, when I saw what he was doing well down the road, I ran out and dug up some wildflowers, unbeknownst to him -- I thought. Last year when I stopped him from running over someone's discarded tire, hidden in the tall grass, he thanked me and said, "You're the one who dug up the flowers, aren't you?" Guilty as charged, and they're still growing in my backyard!

Also kudos for getting the rain gutters up, Jim.

I am THRILLED that the heat broke overnight as promised. It is a delightful 66 degrees. Yesterday, it reached 88 indoors. I did as little as possible. Mostly, I tried to keep water available to all the critters.

A possible storm was predicted overnight, but none materialized. Today, I have to go to Fort Dodge for an appointment. Folks there and in other parts of the county have been sandbagging. The Des Moines River is expected to crest several feet above flood stage today.

My yard needs mowing, but today's project is assembling and cleaning all the stuff I'm going to need for the chicks I don't need to buy this weekend at Murray Fest.

Yesterday, I paid my computer "hero," Anthony -- who charged me much less than I expected and sold me the sweetest little pair of speakers for my computer. I no longer have to listen with my head nearly up against the monitor!
Our original blackberries were dug out of the ditch.
there are some chives growing just off of the blacktop. Annie keeps saying she wants to dig them up and plant them somewhere in the yard.
by saving the elderberries, we also saved the chives.
my day is not starting well. we ran out of coffee.
but we have a bag of coffee beans. I don't know how many beans to grind for one cuppa. I ground some anyway. then I spilled some trying to get them into the strainer. cleaned up what I could salvage. had no idea what I ended up with so I ground some more. in the end I ended up with a fair cuppa., I will never be able to duplicate this recipe.
Lisa, how did you miss those storms? they were all over the state..
my friend near Clintonville had three trees fall across his road. took some wires down.

Chicks finally arrived. This puts me up around 100 chickens. So with my geese, ducks and turkeys, I got you beat Jim. I was downsizing before this. Apparently something went awry.


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