Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I planted a new bed of strawberries last year and then broke a leg bone and limped all summer, not knowing. So the berries didn't get weeded or watered enough.
that must of been painful and frustrating. Hopefully your strawberries did okay, and will produce this coming year.
IMHO, strawberries are the most difficult crop to keep weeded. potatoes are a close second.
the funeral on Friday was the coldest funeral I ever attended,. Leroy was 89, very well liked.
the string of cars going to the cemetery was over 3 miles long. counting down to his great grand children was over 100 bodies. 20 grands, 26 great grands. he had 5 girls and 3 sons.
Barb, in answer to your question,, I have not started the sour dough yet.
however, I did make my first baking powder biscuits ever. they turned out good, but 20 minutes in our oven is too long,.
a bit crispy, not burned, though.
I am debating between starting a batch of light beer or a white wine,.
looking at recipes for both.
designing stackable beer cases in my head.
have one of the tools needed pretty much thought out. will use it to make the dividers between the bottles,,.
looking forward to warm weather so I can complain about the heat,
yesterday we made a kettle of cabbage/vegetable/ham soup. we call it boiled dinner,. very yummy
Jim, sounds like your friend lived an impressive life, both well liked and well loved.

Winter seems to be bringing out the chef/baker/brewer in you. All I've made recently is a huge pot of chili that incorporates black, cannellini and garbanzo beans. I'm a fan of cooking a big batch of something once and reheating until it's gone.

My trifecta of January annoyances is not resolving very quickly. I took my oldest cat to the vet where, thankfully, the problem was just dirty ears and not an infection. The Ford dealership has not contacted me about the part they allegedly ordered more than a week ago, so my car radio continues to make sudden, random and loudly startling noises, even when it and the volume are turned off. At least the plumber called to tell me the new sink (which is an odd size, not available at Menards) hasn't come in yet.

I put away the last of the Christmas stuff yesterday, wrestling my fake tree into its box. As I was putting it away, I looked at the box label. It appears I bought the tree from Target in 2006. Guess I got my money's worth out of that purchase!

When one of my coops was being built a couple of years ago, the friend who was putting it up asked how big I wanted the pop door. I assured him that as long he cut the opening between the 16-inch studs, I would be able to get through it in an emergency (like finding the big door accidentally latched and locking me inside. It's happened more than once :().

Yesterday, when the gate to the red coop run was frozen shut and needed to be pushed open from inside the run, I learned that if I go slowly and carefully, I can -- in fact -- squeeze through a pop door that's only 12 inches by 14 inches. I'm thinking maybe I should have pursued a career as a contortionist.
I'd get stuck Barb. Too hard to get off the ground at this point in life. Glad you made it through.

Hopefully the cat and car improve. Car problems are just annoying. How is the cat tolerating treatment? They catch on quickly and are good at fighting.
I can't stand to go outside, so I get bored and come up with things to do.
the first batch of wine decided to start fermenting after I added the sweetener sugar.
it actually is improving the flavor
that dog in my avatar was a genious at spitting out pills. we tried hotdogs, peanut butter bacon but she always managed to spit the pill out.
I avoid going down to my knees if at all possible. Annie , also. we make sure the other of us is standing by to help us up.
Barb, I would love to be a close neighbor to watch some of the things you do. :lau
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Lisa, getting off the ground isn't one of my stronger skills, either. I am grateful whenever I successfully get back to my feet -- which isn't always on the first attempt.

Jim, I believe your last sentence is a great reminder of one of the many reasons I enjoy country life. On the other hand, if there is no one around to point and laugh, that also means there's no one to help if I need it.

The first time I got stuck in the Taj Ma-Coop (named when my friend kept adding and improving on the original plan), I freaked out that I might be stuck there for days until my sister panicked when I didn't answer a text.

Sure, I could always take my phone outside with me, but I could also drop it in critter water buckets or poultry poop. It stays indoors, safe and clean. My first cell phone fell out of a coverall pocket into a snow drift alongside a road and was lost forever.

BTW, I have since learned to twist the outside coop door latch BEFORE I go inside so it can't refasten itself.

Your avatar dog looks a lot like my Pearl did. She was also great at refusing pills. Ziva, the cat, is doing fine now; I hope to clean her ears at home her later this month when my sister comes to visit and can help hold her.

Excellent progress on one front: The shower is repaired and the new tub hardware, sink and sink hardware are installed. I was surprised to get a call yesterday morning; the job was done by noon.

Today is my weekly run to Bomgaars. I will stop at the Ford dealership and chat directly with the service manager. I'm sure she remembers me from my last visit -- when they also didn't call to tell me a part was in. Seems like a bad way to do business, since no one pays until work gets done. :confused:

Best wishes with the wine! And, here's to the warmer weather that is supposed to be on the way.
another cold day in Wisconsin. 5F at noon.
yesterday bro Dave came to visit.
since it was the minimum time to test the beer, we did. it is very good. a little more time and it will be even better. I will need help to drink 4o bottles.,
no news from here.
watching the fire in Cal on tv. sounds worse than the Chicago fire. very sad.

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