Dry Pox?

momma chickie

6 Years
May 6, 2016
When I was a kid chickens were so easy....
I think one of my hens has dry pox...pretty certain, found 2 yellowish bumps on comb, stopped laying, comb shriveled and oale...but still eating and tunning around just fine.
Everything I tead says to santize...how do you do that when they free range???
I have 3 other hens who have obviously been exposed.
Do we just ride it out or is there a safe sanitation method?
She wont hold still enough for me to get a picture...but it looks like the yellowish nodules seen in the pictures of the article. She only had 2 and I dont see any on the other hens. We do have a lot of mosquitos too.

I have also noted lots of feather loss, not sure if it is related but they do have new feather growth coming in and they dont look bad, no one would notice unless I pointed it out.


A close-up of the 2 spots I suspected of being pox. The one is almost in the crease of her comb and the other us on the tip of the last point on the comb.They had a yellow nodule to them that picked off and are now scabbed. Her comb looks much better since I put moringa oil on it...it did look much paler.
Her tail feathers are all but gone...she doesnt look moulty to me but she is still dropping some feathers and I can feel lots of regrowth.
So what do you think is going on?
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