Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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My family and I are moving... again.... We just moved to this house February 24, 2012 and we are already going to move again. I told my parents that as long as I get to keep my cats and my chickens, that i'm fine with moving. Otherwise I don't want to. We rent our house, so moving won't be that big of a deal. I'm not sure when we are moving, but my mom just emailed someone asking if we can rent a house from them, and if we can have our chickens. So we'll see! It's a REALLY cool house though! (from the pictures I have seen anyways)
My family and I have moved twice in the last three years...
We are moving again so we can be closer to where my dad is going to school to be a nurse. Hopefully this will be the last move for a while. At least I get to keep my chickens!
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My family and I are moving... again.... We just moved to this house February 24, 2012 and we are already going to move again. I told my parents that as long as I get to keep my cats and my chickens, that i'm fine with moving. Otherwise I don't want to. We rent our house, so moving won't be that big of a deal. My family and I have moved twice in the last three years...
We are moving again so we can be closer to where my dad is going to school to be a nurse. Hopefully this will be the last move for a while. At least I get to keep my chickens!

I'm sorry! Sometimes I wish we could move, I've lived in the same house my whole life!
I'm sorry! Sometimes I wish we could move, I've lived in the same house my whole life!
I've never lived in a house longer than 3 years. My parents haven't found a house where they are truly happy yet. Hopefully we will find a house that they love soon, so we won't have to move anymore.
I know how you feel.
I was born in Virginia, moved to Kansas when I was 4. In June, we're moving to a dude ranch to run (even bigger than our Kansas ranch) in Texas :(
I know how you feel.
I was born in Virginia, moved to Kansas when I was 4. In June, we're moving to a dude ranch to run (even bigger than our Kansas ranch) in Texas :(
I would hate having to move out of state... I have lived in Michigan my whole life. I've lived in a lot of places in Michigan though. By the way, what's a dude ranch?
You've never heard of a dude ranch?
It's basically a ranch. Guests come. Dude ranches are mostly out west. Typically dude ranches have horses and cattle. Our ranch in Kansas has water fowl, poultry, cattle, milk cow, horses, goats, rabbits and tons of inside animals


noun \ˈdüd also ˈdyüd\

Definition of DUDE

: a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : dandy
: a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially : an Easterner in the West

: fellow, guy —sometimes used informally as a term of address <hey, dude, what's up>
dud·ish adjective
dud·ish·ly adverb

dude ranch

(in the western US) A cattle ranch converted to a vacation resort.
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You've never heard of a dude ranch?
It's basically a ranch. Guests come. Dude ranches are mostly out west. Typically dude ranches have horses and cattle. Our ranch in Kansas has water fowl, poultry, cattle, milk cow, horses, goats, rabbits and tons of inside animals


noun \ˈdüd also ˈdyüd\
Definition of DUDE

: a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : dandy
: a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially : an Easterner in the West

: fellow, guy —sometimes used informally as a term of address <hey, dude, what's up>
dud·ish adjective
dud·ish·ly adverb

dude ranch

(in the western US) A cattle ranch converted to a vacation resort.

No i've never heard of a dude ranch. It sounds neat!
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