Duck arching neck and walking backwards..??


May 7, 2022
Central TX
Hey y’all. This is a behavior I’ve noticed a couple times now in my newest duck, Blanca, but it starts and ends faster than I can get my phone out to take a photo / video.

I believe it’s happening while she’s preening, or about to preen. She arches her neck underneath her body and walks backwards for ~5 seconds before stopping and resuming behavior like normal. I haven’t had any other duck do this.

Additional info: She’s a 6 month old Pekin who was raised alone. She was attacked by a dog when she was young, messing up her wings, but she seems physically fine otherwise. I took her in at 5 months old, or 1 month ago. She has a few other odd behaviors, too, but I believe those are related to her being raised alone and not knowing how to “duck.” This walking-backwards behavior, however, is just.. concerning.

Any insight is welcome!!
Has she been doing this since you got her? How about at her previous home?

It sounds neurological to me. If it only lasts a few seconds, I would just up her niacin for now and keep an eye on her. If it gets worse, well...
Has she been doing this since you got her? How about at her previous home?

It sounds neurological to me. If it only lasts a few seconds, I would just up her niacin for now and keep an eye on her. If it gets worse, well...
I’ve seen her do it 3 times so far, but she probably does it more when I’m not watching. I believe the first time I saw it was a few days after I got her.

I don’t know much else about her previous home. It’s been hard getting any more information about her, but I’ll try to find out.

Neurological would be unfortunate.. I’ll up her niacin.

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