Duck biting other duck


6 Years
May 4, 2013
I have two female Khaki Campbells, about 2 monts old. I just recently noticed one of the female ducks is biting off the others wing feathers all the way to the end making them bleed. She doesnt fight with her or attack her she just will randomly bite at the same spot of the wing on both sides.

I want the bleeding to stop and the picked on ducks feathers to grow back but if the feathers continue to get bitten off they will never heal. I have seen people seperate them and then when reunited, the situation gets worse, so i dont want to do that. Both ducks were born in the same batch and have been together the whole time.

Im wondering if females are territorial? I only have the 2 female ducks and they are in the same coop with 4 hen chickens. Has anybody else had this problem.
Welcome to the forum. I have not had this problem just wondering if you can tell us more about their shelter, their feed, what their day is like, see if we can help sort something out.

How much room do they have in the shelter?
they are all in a coop designed for about 8 chickens. its about 6 ft wide, 3 ft deep and about 4 ft high. Their is a second level that is for roosting and nesting. I let them roam around the yard with the door open but after an hour or so they all return back the coop and lay down together. so as far as i can tell they seem like they have enough space.

It doesnt attack brutally or chase the other. she will just be walking by and take a nibble on the wing but like i said its happening enough to where most of the inside wing feathers are down to the root where they are bleeding. (if you know khaki's its just the inside wing feathers the small patch of purple or blue that they have on each side.) So being that its only the one part of the wing and nowhere else on the body im wondering if its something the other is drawn to?
they are all in a coop designed for about 8 chickens. its about 6 ft wide, 3 ft deep and about 4 ft high. Their is a second level that is for roosting and nesting. I let them roam around the yard with the door open but after an hour or so they all return back the coop and lay down together. so as far as i can tell they seem like they have enough space.

It doesnt attack brutally or chase the other. she will just be walking by and take a nibble on the wing but like i said its happening enough to where most of the inside wing feathers are down to the root where they are bleeding. (if you know khaki's its just the inside wing feathers the small patch of purple or blue that they have on each side.) So being that its only the one part of the wing and nowhere else on the body im wondering if its something the other is drawn to?
Get some Blue Kote or Bitter apple and put on the areas where she is nibbling, then buy a bag of meal worms[dried] or if you want to get live, but start giving them some daily, it has lots of protein in them and this could be what your duck is after. and also it has become a habit now. You could wait till you see her start this action then distract her [both] by throwing some meal worms on the ground in front of them. There are other way to incorporate protein into their diet but I have found meal worms is very special. and

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