Duck eggs day 21 Air cell photos and Incubation pictures

I’m being patient as hard as it is! Now 16 eggs have pipped! Only 2 of the Runners have pipped so far. The egg with the smallest air cell hasn’t pipped yet. Come on little guy!!! When I candled it yesterday, day 25, it’s air cell had grown a lot but it hadn’t internally pipped yet
I just noticed one of the un-pipped eggs has a bruise in the pointy end of the egg. I think next step is to candle it and then make a safety hole if it hasn’t internally pipped?
This is the egg that had the bruise at the pointy end. I scratched a tiny safety hole over the bruise. No internal pip, and no visible movement yet. I hope my hole is big enough to be of some use
Update! Another egg, (Named “Mark” because it’s the question mark egg) has externally pipped at the wrong end. Yikes! At least it should be able to breathe
It’s day 27 and no ducklings have hatched. Only 3 haven’t pipped yet. I have 2 that pipped at the wrong end and I’m monitoring them.
Humidity is 70 - 72%
2 ducklings have hatched!! More are zipping!

“Mark”, the duckling who pipped at the wrong end, has expanded his pip. The other one, “Ruu” is still alive with its safety hole. I might wait until tomorrow to assist it further

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