Duck eggs - first time incubating: hatch advice?


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2024
Hi there!

This is a first post for me as a brand new member. Just thought I would ask advise here as it is my first time incubating duck eggs! Hatch day is today (day 28). One egg pipped on Saturday - about 36 hours ago - and has done nothing since. I do see it wiggling a little and cheaping very quietly occasionally. The other egg has not pipped yet at all although I see it moving when candled. (I shine a torch at it through the incubator as I don't want to open it up)
I know that duck eggs can take up to 48 hours from pip to zip, but it does seem odd that it pipped on day 26 already doesn't it? and why the other is so much further behind?
When they say that day 28 is "hatch day" does that mean they only start pipping then or that they will actually fully hatch on that day?

Any advice would be so appreciated! I am trying my best to stay calm and patient but its so hard! 😫
Wait wait wait! Really hard I know! I’ve had 60 hours Pip to zip on quail (17 day incubation!). As long as the little buggers are showing signs of life let ‘‘em be. Also use an external thermometer when incubating, a cold incubator can delay hatching by days!
Thanks for the response!

Actually after 48 hours of nothing after the beginning of the first pip, I re-read the 'assisted hatch' page and figured that it may need help! I carefully and slowly made a hole and let it sit for another few hours, still nothing. Then I decided to check further and discovered that the feet were over its head and it was well-and-truly stuck! I managed to get the hole open enough to allow the feet to release the head and out he/she popped!! it was clearly VERY thankful to be out and exhausted from 2.5 days of struggling to get out! I am so happy to have my first hatchling fluffy and alive this morning!

Now to wait for the next one that is clearly a bit late as it's only just pipped externally last night...
i do think that possibly my incubator temp was a bit low during the whole incubation... I will get myself a thermometer to pop inside for more accurate measurement. Perhaps that why the other is now late.

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