Duck eggs look to be fertile but no development?


Jul 30, 2024
Hi all , so I have hatched A total of 15 duck eggs over the past couple of years , my recent 3 who were born on the 28th of February this year have started laying. I have a male who is a Stanbridge white ( A mutation from the magpie duck.) , A female black sweedish and a female magpie. I feed them layers and normal feed , meal worms , they have grit with oyster shell everything I could give them to increase fertility chances I have got them. They also free roam all day. The eggs that I have collected looked to be fertile. I have seen the male mate with both female ducks frequently, when collecting the eggs I have placed them point down for over 24hrs , incubator at 37.5 and humidity at 50% and nothing is happening, I will attach photos of the eggs I took out today and cracked open after 7 days in incubator, I have had a few eggs look like the one with all the white on it . Does anyone have any ideas of what is happening here ? I haven't had this issue before , but again I haven't hatched my own ducks eggs before either, are they too young with it been their first time ? Or can some ducks not mate with some other breeds ie is my male firing blanks as they are not genetically matched?.Thankyou to anyone that offers advice 😊 .


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Could you upload a close up picture of the "bullseye"? That will help us confirm if it's fertilized. Fertile - ability to become fertilized. Fertilized - Sperm has made contact with the egg
The back one you can slightly see it , it definitely had one ...


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Update pulled on day 4 ....


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Fertile - ability to become fertilized. Fertilized - Sperm has made contact with the egg
With birds, the sperm needs to make contact with the correct cell on the surface of the yolk, before the egg white and the shell are added, and all this happens before the egg is laid. There is no such thing as a "fertile" bird egg that has not actually been fertilized.

If you like dictionary definitions, here is one for fertile:
"6 Biology.
a fertilized, as an egg or ovum; fecundated.
b capable of growth or development, as seeds or eggs."

So in biology, "fertile" can have the same meaning as "fertilized." And I notice their examples include "eggs."
With birds, the sperm needs to make contact with the correct cell on the surface of the yolk, before the egg white and the shell are added, and all this happens before the egg is laid. There is no such thing as a "fertile" bird egg that has not actually been fertilized.

If you like dictionary definitions, here is one for fertile:
"6 Biology.
a fertilized, as an egg or ovum; fecundated.
b capable of growth or development, as seeds or eggs."

So in biology, "fertile" can have the same meaning as "fertilized." And I notice their examples include "eggs."
I can not tell if you are genuinely trying to be helpful with this above comment ?. I did not request a definition on fertile/fertilized?. I was hoping to get answers as to why the eggs I have collected and tried to incubate look the way they do and are not developing, despite my male duck frequently mating with both females.

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