- Jul 30, 2024
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Hi all , so I have hatched A total of 15 duck eggs over the past couple of years , my recent 3 who were born on the 28th of February this year have started laying. I have a male who is a Stanbridge white ( A mutation from the magpie duck.) , A female black sweedish and a female magpie. I feed them layers and normal feed , meal worms , they have grit with oyster shell everything I could give them to increase fertility chances I have got them. They also free roam all day. The eggs that I have collected looked to be fertile. I have seen the male mate with both female ducks frequently, when collecting the eggs I have placed them point down for over 24hrs , incubator at 37.5 and humidity at 50% and nothing is happening, I will attach photos of the eggs I took out today and cracked open after 7 days in incubator, I have had a few eggs look like the one with all the white on it . Does anyone have any ideas of what is happening here ? I haven't had this issue before , but again I haven't hatched my own ducks eggs before either, are they too young with it been their first time ? Or can some ducks not mate with some other breeds ie is my male firing blanks as they are not genetically matched?.Thankyou to anyone that offers advice .