Duck eggs


Oct 28, 2024
Hebron Maryland
I see a lot of folks are raising ducks for eggs. Never having, knowingly, eaten a duck egg I’m curious about the differences ( cooking, eating, taste, etc.) people see between the two.
Duck eggs are about 40% larger in weight & volume. If you are making a recipe that relies on assumptions about volume (like the common pasta recipe, 1 Tbsp Oil, 2 cups flour, 3 eggs, pinch of salt) you will need to adjust your dry to compensate. Duck eggs taste "richer" - has to do with the yolk/white ratio and fat content. Duck eggs cook "differently", the whites particularly. Throw a duck egg and an XL chicken egg in the same hot pan at the same time, the duck white will usually set a bit faster. Not entirely sure why.

Sincerely, someone who routinely has both eggs in his chill chest, from my flock (in sig, below).
A friend who had ducks used to give us eggs. Hubby loved them over easy (his favorite way), I didn't like them scrambled (my fave) as well as chicken eggs.

TMI: they also gave me nasty gas a few hours later.

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