But because I try to be sensitive to other people’s options on culling birds, I use alternative approaches. But if it was me and just me… the bullies will have a field trip inside the pot. Get some real life experience of what it feels like to be boiled
i think my dad is going to cull the chickens we saw peck, they’re cannibalising the duck and will kill the other 2 chickens if we let them I bet. He wants to use a shotgun is that pretty humane? He is also most likely going to do the same to the duck just because we can’t stand to watch her suffer :(
Eye injuries can heal up. I'd put antibiotics on the eye and clan it up. We got a free duckling that had been pecked and he's doing great.
Do you have a rooster? I ask because we too have had hens get way out of line and I know it would never be allowed with our old rooster keeping the peace. The boss seems to keep all the others in line.
i think my dad is going to cull the chickens we saw peck, they’re cannibalising the duck and will kill the other 2 chickens if we let them I bet. He wants to use a shotgun is that pretty humane? He is also most likely going to do the same to the duck just because we can’t stand to watch her suffer :(
My stance on this may be unpopular, but I'm going to give my two cents anyway. This duck has been injured and giving up on her just feels really sad if I'm being honest. She can likely survive this, and go on to live a better life but she's not getting that chance because your dad "doesn't want to buy the treatments" because he doesnt view them as pets? In my view an animal doesnt need to be a pet in order to recieve medicine when theyre unwell. Treatment options can be relatively inexpensive, heck, even human options like neosporin can do wonders.

Couldn't you buy the treatments for him and give him the instructions you've received here?
i think my dad is going to cull the chickens we saw peck, they’re cannibalising the duck and will kill the other 2 chickens if we let them I bet. He wants to use a shotgun is that pretty humane? He is also most likely going to do the same to the duck just because we can’t stand to watch her suffer :(
Are you sure these chickens caused the issues?
Any bird will peck at existing injuries, if they see red they will often cannibalise.
It doesn't necessarily mean they caused the issue.
Is the pen entirely predator proof?
I'd make sure they're guilty before pulling the trigger.
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i think my dad is going to cull the chickens we saw peck, they’re cannibalising the duck and will kill the other 2 chickens if we let them I bet. He wants to use a shotgun is that pretty humane? He is also most likely going to do the same to the duck just because we can’t stand to watch her suffer :(
No no no! Shot gun will destroy that chicken! What I do is get a box that will fit the chicken, cut a hole in the box for the head, put a thing of twine like rope around the head to stretch it, and then the morbid part. Get an axe and another person, one person, usually the more squimish person, to put the string to stretch the neck and cut the head off. There can be NO HESITATION. This immediately kills the bird. Even if you see it twitch, it’s dead. This sounds morbid but if you want to save the meat and not get lead in there, it’s probably the best option
i think my dad is going to cull the chickens we saw peck, they’re cannibalising the duck and will kill the other 2 chickens if we let them I bet. He wants to use a shotgun is that pretty humane? He is also most likely going to do the same to the duck just because we can’t stand to watch her suffer :(
Also try to save the duck. You’ll be surprised how well they can bounce back even with a disability
I think you should give that poor duck a chance. Her eyes may heal better than you think. You can order terramycin eye ointment on Amazon. It’s cheap. I have a duck who survived a predator attack and his eyes were messed up so bad I thought they were gone. They healed amazingly and he can see fine.

Maybe you can find the duck a new home if your dad can’t protect it

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