In the Brooder
- Jun 6, 2024
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This has been going on for 2 weeks I think? I don't know if it's related to a month or so ago when I left the tarp off my duck's crate, and it rained overnight in through the slats. Everyone got wet and some came out hunched up and raspy. I thought they got respiratory infections because there was a lot of wet poop in there that they were sitting in. Treated the worst of them and everyone seemed to recover. A few weeks ago this one ( I don't know when it started limping ) went from limping and favoring a leg to very much crawling around on his hock joints. The one joint on the leg that went bad first does seem swollen. I've brought him inside and he's under an inferred lamp, I've given him extra niacin, let him swim in the pool until he gets chilled (starts shivering?) to exercise the leg and he's alright with it. Trying to figure out- is this worms? Could it be AEV and he's losing his legs to paralysis? Would antibiotics help? There are 1 or 2 other ducks that have had a slight limp, doesn't seem to be getting worse.