Duck Pond/pool pictures

We are in the process of putting ours in the ground. We installed a drain and simple spout to open the drain....the water will just drain outside the yard to my blueberry bushes. We still have to fill in the dirt around the edges and clean up a bit. The ducks are already trying to figure out how to get in there! LOL

Or two pools have pipes draining to our garden and compost pile... We have two of these in the run! They are concrete mixing buckets (thanks Amiga!)

I am so jealous of all these gorgeous ponds!  Every time we have tried to do a natural pond, we always struggle with filtration other than on the farm where we had huge ponds.  Even now, I drain and refill our mini-ponds daily (having drains in them has made it so much easier), but good Lord all the water.  I am going to try to set up something where the drain pipe drains into a big bucket of gravel or something that might help filter some, so it doesn't pool as much.  Has anyone tried something like this?  I thought about trying to find something like charcoal as well to see if that helps neutralize it a little (although right now, we are not having much problem at all with smell or anything).

I saw someone use a barrel planter w/ lava rocks & was gonna put pond plants in the lava rocks to help filtration, on UTube.
[COLOR=333333]Fist time on this thread and it is absolutely exhausting trying to get through all the posts so i am just going to ask my question lol.  Has anyone tried relying solely on natural solutions to keep the pond clean. Scavengers like plecostomus ( catfish) snails and tadpoles  freshwater mussels and clam, Lillies added bacteria etc?  If so how well has it worked, I am looking to place a 4x6 and 2ft deep pond and things are tight so trying to shave off a little bit of the expense on the water bill without dropping hundreds more on a decent filtration system.[/COLOR]

Ducks will eat almost all of those :(.
Some great ponds here. Love it, good inspiration. I, m in the process of building a 2.4m x 600mm x 300mm deep (approx.) pond. So asking advice of what filter/pump size to use

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