Duck prolapse


12 Years
Aug 26, 2011
*pictures if you’re squeamish*
Discovered my duck Leganés has a prolapse of some sort.
Brought her inside, warm bath with a little bit of table salt. Lubricated with a bunch of coconut oil and put it back in. I also tried some drops of Clear Eyes (thinking vasoconstrictors would help). It keeps coming back out. She’s very unhappy, flicking her tail and dumped her water dish.
Poop is coming out and whitish liquid (urine?). I tried a k tape bandage to try and keep it in but it didn’t stick. The new bandage is a pantyliner with plastic still on the back and layers of tape and duct tape. Has anyone been successful at keeping a prolapse from continuing to come out? 😔


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Keep it moist with honey, cream, or ointment. Don’t let it dry out until it stays inside. I will tag @Miss Lydia for more help. In chickens, we give human calcium citrate with vitamin d for hens with a prolapse to help.
None of the tape/bandages stick. She flicks her tail too much and every time she pushes and it comes back out, it seems bigger.
There is no stuck egg, she laid her daily egg as usual this morning. I’ve sat there literally holding everything in with my gloved hand, her on my lap and haven’t felt anything stuck. I’ve fondled her and stuck fingers in places…I really don’t want to think about or remember 😆
Should I still try calcium? Or keeping her in crate hospital and spoiled and hope it goes back in?
We don’t have an avian vet, anyone would just tell me to send her to the freezer. I’m trying to read all the prolapse threads…
Is it ok to wait and see? I don’t want to cull her prematurely.
The best you can do is keep putting it back inside do you have honey or KY jelly both will help keep it lubed until it stays in. I'd place her in a darkened room with food and water to maybe keep her from laying until it stays in laying an egg is just going to keep making it pop out.
I wouldn't put her out since one of the flock may peck at it and cause bleeding. Plus you want to keep this area as clean as possible. Old towels would work for bedding. Just don't let it dry out.

I will say this one of my mini dachshunds got a penis prolapse and Becasue I was freaking out I could not think of anything to do to help so I put him into cold water from the tap and after he soaked for a while it calmed down and went back to normal. Might be worth trying. I think the cold water helps to shrink the tissue. Preparation H is supposed to help shrink tissue also.
Today she is living in the bathtub. It’s still there, maybe a little smaller (could be wishful thinking, but better than freezer camp).
She got a warm bath with just water, she was drinking and grooming. Today I’ll leave her in the drained tub (moisture) and if she dumps her water bowl it doesn’t matter. Tried putting it back in, but it came right out again.
She hasn’t eaten since yesterday and there were poops in her crate overnight. Mostly she is gassy/gurgly…is that normal? Could something be wrong with her digestive system?
I also thought leaving her in the tub might help stop eggs because they’ve always laid eggs on the ground, never in or near water.
Mine will lay their eggs in their pool so The tub may not matter. Sounds like her tummy is upset probably because she hasn't eaten. Have you tried enticing her with warm soupy feed? sometimes they will eat their feed soupy when feeling bad. You could try adding a probiotic but Most likely what you're hearing is just from not eating.
You're going to have to keep trying to get it to stay in this can not stay out indefinitely a vet would most likely put in a stitch. This is up to you to keep trying. Let her soak as often as you can and then lube it up and keep trying. Since I see you have horses do you have a vet that sees them? they maybe able to do a stitch to hold the tissue in until it heals.
Well I went to feed and came back to this:
We have a vet but even with large animals his advice tends to PTS. I need as many eggs as possible because our HS biology class will be incubating for me - so ofc I start to have egg issues, right? 🤦‍♀️


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That was in the works for 24 hrs so maybe try keeping her in a quiet place semi dark to prevent another egg from developing. Did laying make the prolapse worse?
That was in the works for 24 hrs so maybe try keeping her in a quiet place semi dark to prevent another egg from developing. Did laying make the prolapse worse?
No, it was a normal egg and time for her to lay, no blood or anything.
Every time I try to put it in she poops or flicks her tail and it comes back out again. She ate fine today and enjoys her warm baths. I’ve been keeping her in the drained tub to contain her mess and keep her moist. I’ve tried honey, coconut oil and a lot of drops of Clear Eyes (naphazoline). It looks a bit smaller to me.
I was thinking maybe laying the egg contractions could help pull it back in. I felt her up really well yesterday and nothing was hard or stuck.
Could be a fluke? I was wondering if my gander could hurt her by mating with her…they go through the motions but the size difference makes me think he can’t even reach her vent. Nutrition/obesity/muscle tone shouldn’t be a factor, they eat Kalmback all flock, scratch, oyster shell free, range all day all over and she’s not remotely overweight.
She is my start of Angel Wing duck, so I wonder if she’s just not 100% physically.

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