Duck walking small steps, gait seems off

At least she hasn't lost her appetite. They maybe gone for good if they didn't come back before dark. She'll get lonely and probably leave too. Do you have a body of water close by? I hope they all survive.
Well, our baby girl is still here with us. And now I'm thinking that this is Gimpy! My husband told me Gimpy was one of the ones who flew away. But now he now realizes he doesn't really know. 😬 She quacks early morning when the birds start chirping. And again at roosting time, I'm sure in hopes to communicate with her clan. She also gets excited when I enter the backyard, and sometimes quacks when she sees me. I think she's lonely and it makes me sad. She not trying much flying like the others did. She's mostly just floating in the pool, and sleeps in her "pink house" at night. She's not coming up to the porch like the gang did when I bring food out. She likes me to throw dried worms in the water, which she'll eat. I've also given her some bulbus type roots, which I read that they like. She eats those. And she's definitely eating bugs. So, I guess she's just not ready to fly yet. Guess we'll just watch and see. We do have a nice body of water about 1.3 miles from our house. But it's on the other side of a major road. So if they're going there, they need to fly high!
She’ll leave when she’s ready. She must feel pretty safe there to stay after everyone else left. So sweet of you to give her food and let her stay till she’s ready to go.
She’ll leave when she’s ready. She must feel pretty safe there to stay after everyone else left. So sweet of you to give her food and let her stay till she’s ready to go.
Aww well, at the moment she is part of the family. We're attached. She also quacks at me sometimes when I go back into the house. She's talking to me haha! But we hope that she'll join her family, or new friends. Would be great if another duck came back and told her to come with!
Well, twice now Baby Girl has flown over our fence. First time I wasn't home for 4 hours before I discovered her gone. She was in our front flower bed panting, and scared. I opened the gate and walked her far enough to where she could recognize our backyard, and go in. Then she flew over again last night. I woke up about 6AM this morning to check on her, and she was gone. This time I found her standing in the alley behind our house. When she saw me, she started in the direction of the gate. And again I led her back in the gate. What concerns me is that she doesn't seem strong enough to fly off. Just over the fence. So I'm concerned about a dog, cat or bobcat getting her. We also have lots of hawks. Not sure if she's too big for a hawk. She flys into the pool sometimes, but is not actively trying as much as the others did before they flew away. Guess I'll continue waiting to see if she gets strong enough. I thought about taking her to a body of water, but afraid she won't be strong enough to fly off in order to defend herself. So in the meantime, we continue our daily routine together. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Do her legs look strong enough? are you still using the liquid B Complex if not might be a good idea just for leg support. If you don't mind her being there why not just let her be the one to take that first flight? Since her siblings flew off without her and she is solo that may have something to do with it. I would be worried too about predators since once she takes flight she doesn't stay up and lands out of your yard. Do you have mallards and other ducks that fly over your property in late summer early fall? That might get her interested in flying and following.
I have continued the Vit B complex, but wondered if I needed to. So I cut it back to M/W/F, 3 days a week. What frequency do you recommend? She doesn't not seem to have that issue of walking, legs appear fine. But definitely not strong in her flying skills. She is always quacking in the early AM, and again at evening when all the birds are waking up, and roosting. So I know she's looking for her clan. I think she wants to fly off, but can't. She's totally fine here; I just don't want her flying over the fence into our yard or alley again and not be able to fly from danger. Another question: I'm still feeding her duck pellet food, and dried worms. She's not eating much of it lately, but she's also been eating bugs, and sometimes forages in the grass and plant beds. What are some things I can add to her food that she might like that are nutritious? I looked online, basically says aquatic vegetation, insects, fruits or vegetable recommended for ducks. Not sure what fruits or vegetables are recommended for ducks. She's not interested in peas, like I've seen other ducks just love. I also cut up some grapes, and some blueberries. She didn't eat them.
Mine like watermelon and pumpkin in season. I don't feed much fruit I do buy organic greens for them mostly in winter. And when I have extra tomatoes they get some of them.
Using the b complex 3X a week is good. She is probably full grown now so if her legs seem strong maybe just stop using it all together. She must be getting plenty to eat to not be eating the pellets.
She doesn't like dried worms? that is one of my flocks favorite. I really don't know how you can stop her from flying over the fence unless you pen her up and being she is wild she most likely won't be happy. Plus you'd have to cover the top to keep her in.
You mentioned taking her to a body of water where other ducks are if you decided to do that most likely you'd not get her back even if things didn't go well. Have you thought of a waterfowl rehabber?

Here we are floating in the pool together last Sunday. You can see the edge of my float. I have a video of her flapping her wings on Monday, but it's such a pain to upload videos here ;)

In other (big) news, she has finally left us. She was here yesterday evening and had her dinner. She ate good, I guess bulking up for her journey. Maybe an hour or two later I looked out there, and she was gone. My husband and I walked our front yard, and drove the neighborhood to make sure she wasn't in distress. No sign of her anywhere. I did two more perimeter walks before bed, nothing. So I guess she finally made it. I hope she found her clan, and is happy, and safe. Sad to see her go, but it's what we wanted for her since she is wild after all. The back of our house facing the pool is all windows. I can't stop looking for her out there. Goodbye Baby Girl Peepers 🥺
You were so good to them you should feel good you gave them such a good start! I hope she is fine and has met up with other Mallards who knows she may come back next year just to say hello. I know your sad but proud too that you helped her get to where she is today :love it’s been great getting to know you and follow along on this journey.
You were so good to them you should feel good you gave them such a good start! I hope she is fine and has met up with other Mallards who knows she may come back next year just to say hello. I know your sad but proud too that you helped her get to where she is today :love it’s been great getting to know you and follow along on this journey.
Aww I appreciate your kind words. It was a blessing to have them all in our care for a little while. It was great getting to know you too, and I can't thank you enough for all your help. Without out, little "Gimpy" aka "Baby Girl" would not have survived. So thank you. Photos attached: Hatchday, and last day. 😥 Job 12:10


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