Duck with swollen foot - what to do?

Here are some pics I took yesterday of my Harmony's leg. Soaked him lastnight in the tub for about 30 minutes. He finally began to enjoy the water and started cleaning himself. After the bath we soaked his foot in the Epsom salt warm water for about 10 minutes. He didn't like us holding him for so long.:( He nibbled at us constantly and tried to eat my earrings and bracelet to let us know he was not happy.:mad: Poor thing. This morning he was happy when the door opened but again saddened when the other 2 birds exited the garage and he couldn't.:hit Sure hope he heals quickly. The weird thing about this is I don't see anything in the pics that could be causing the swelling, maybe someone with experience can chime in. Thanks you all!


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Don't really see anything that would indicate Bumble foot wonder if he may have a bad sprain or a fracture? Just jumping out of the pool can cause them to injure their legs ducks legs aren't so sturdy. Last pic looks like a lil blk spot can you feel if anything maybe in there?
I had a drake who didn't use the ramp going out of the pool and he limped around close to 2 weeks before he recovered.

Any way you can keep Harmony out where he can see the girls but is still confined until he is healed.

Keep up the soaks and rest with some good Poultry vitamins including some Nutritional yeast as a leg supplement 1 Tab per cup of feed with the NY

Also some T Relief ointment may help I ordered some haven't had to use it yet.
Thanks for your reply Miss Lydia! And I love the name Lydia by the way. Went to grade school with a girl named Lydia and I loved writing her name in cursive because it always looked so pretty.:) Ok enough with the reminiscing school days...:D

I have antibiotic ointment, should I get a certain kind (T Relief)? And where do I find the poultry vitamins? I've always given them nutritional yeast for their legs but haven't been able to find a good poultry vitamin to give them.
TSC carries some Poultry vitamins Poultry Nutri drench is one good one. T Relief is for inflammation in natural ingredients. @Amiga rec it often.

Actually Miss Lydia was my very first chicken hens name wish it was mine, I think it's a pretty name too.
I have compressed my ducks foot with vet wrap every since her return to the flock and today she is doing so much better swelling is done and the same with the heat. Not sure if the cold water fromnthe irragation such is helping or the walking but she's getting better.
Thank you Linda for all the advice, Harmony looks somewhat better. A litle less swelling tonight but he wasnt having it tonight when it came to the epsom salt soak! We'll keep him in this weekend and see how he does Monday morning.

Great to hear things are improving for your duck Kathy. I dont have mine wrapped but we'll see how he does this weekend.
When my Susie duck originally had bumble foot in both of her feet 1 foot healed really fast the other one took a little bit longer when I took her to our ranch she ended up getting inflamed so I brought her home and I literally have had her in a dog kennel for a month and a half at my house. I did epson salt warm baths 2 to 3 times a day , i'm a huge essential oil use there and I used essential oils on her as well as compression wrap her joint. While she was at home I took her outside in our yard a couple times throughout the day just so she can walk around in the grass and eat I hope your duck gets better very soon!
You can also do ES compress if Harmony isn't keen on foot soaks. Just soak a small cloth in the ES water wring till it isn't dripping and wrap his foot leave on till it's cooling down you can do this as often as you want.

Harmoni seems to be fine now, finally. Now that I think about it and have been watching the ducks closely, I noticed when they exit the river water they climb up an embankment of plants and leaves and then jump onto the bulk head and it's a little up there. So I'm thinking he hit his ankle on that bulkhead as he tried to fly up. Hubby just doesn't seem to want to build them a little duck ladder, he just may not know how, but I've asked him to so the ducks could have a safer return from the river water. I'd try to build one myself if I could but I haven't a clue. I think I'll try getting some straw and piling it up where they have to climb onto, then that way it will save them atleast a half of foot of trying to fly over the bulkhead. Well anyways... thanks for all your help ladies!

Now to the next issue at hand....:)

Went to the flea market today and bought a female pekin duck. I have 2 males and thought I had 1 female and 1 male but found out once they matured that they were males. So.... I rescued this little lady and just brought her home. Now what? I need to know what to do with her first, I ran a bath because she looks dirty. Will she be wild in the tub? She heard the males quack and became very verbal so I think that's a good sign. How should I introduce them to each other, I know slowly? I'll keep her in a separate large dog crate until they get use to each other. Any other advice ladies? I'm getting ready to take her out of the crate to bathe her, here I go....

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